
Professional Development for Student Success

The Division of Academic and Student Affairs, the Institute for Teaching and Learning and the Center for the Advancement of Instruction in Quantitative Reasoning provide an array of opportunities to support student success in first-year general education math/quantitative reasoning and written communication courses, as well as in other areas of university experience.


Face-to-face summits, webcasts and digitally supported professional learning communities connect CSU faculty, academic and student affairs professionals and national leaders in higher education.

Several events have been added to support effective teaching and equitable learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.​


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April 2021

From Questions to Solutions: Using Data to Address Student Success

Thursday, April 8, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Virtual Convening

​To extend progress toward becoming proactive advocates for student success, this workshop will provide an overview of the progress that has been made — at the system level and at several campuses — towards equity, access, and success in general education mathematics, written composition, and other first year milestones.

More Information:
Category: Becoming Student-Ready
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Pedagogical Practice