
					    	Justin Dillon
Justin Dillon
Made in a Free World

CSU East Bay

B.S., Psychology (1992)

  • Dillon founded Made in a Free World (now FRDM), a non-profit organization dedicated to ending forced labor, human trafficking and modern-day slavery through increased public awareness, action and advocacy.
  • He authored “A Selfish Plan to Change the World,” which reveals the secret to a life of deep and lasting significance: the discovery that our need for meaning is inextricably linked to the needs of the world. “A Selfish Plan to Change the World” delivers a revolutionary method for meeting both needs.
  • Dillon made his directorial debut in the film “Call + Response,” which revealed the world’s 27 million dirtiest secrets: There are more slaves today than ever before in human history. The “rockumentary” was theatrically released around the world and became one of the top documentaries of 2008.
  • He founded the nonprofit organization Slavery Footprint. Partnering with the U.S. State Department and Google, this multiple-award-​winning website asks the question, “How many slaves work for you?” The site and mobile app allow consumers to visualize how their consumption habits are connected to modern-day slavery.​​
  • Dillon founded the tech company FRDM with a mission of changing the world through the power of our purchases. FRDM is a business platform used by Fortune 500 companies to measure risk of forced labor in supply chains.

Notable CSU Alumni in nonprofit

East Bay