Marc Stein
Marc Stein
Sports Reporter, The New York Times

CSU Fullerton
B.A., Communications (Journalism) (1991)

  • Sports reporter for The New York Times specializing in NBA coverage. Prior to The Times, spent 15 years at ESPN, working extensively for ESPN Radio and studio shows such as SportsCenter in addition to his role as's first full-time NBA columnist.
  • As a ​student, he spent six semesters as a writer and editor for The Daily Titan. During a Pac-12 Network broadcast in December 2019, he told announcer Bill Walton: “[CSUF] is the Harvard of journalism schools on the West Coast. That's why I went there."
  • Stein covered his first NBA summer league in 1989 for The Orange County Register. He covered Magic Johnson's famed retirement press conference in 1991 for The Los Angeles Daily News mere months after graduation and has worked consecutive seasons on the full-time NBA beat.
  • Named to CSUF's 2006 class of the “Vision & Visionaries" alumni awards program. The Basketball Hall of Fame named him a recipient of its 2019 Curt Gowdy Media Award, designated for print and electronic media members who have made a significant contribution to the game of basketball.​

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