
  Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology

Dr. Christopher Lowe, CSU Long Beach, Tracking Baby Great White Sharks in Southern California

​Juvenile great white sharks have been gathering in warm Southern California waters, swimming just beyond the waves where surfers ride. Scientists, including Dr. Christopher Lowe of CSU Long Beach, say these young sharks are using coastal nurseries to grow safely near shore. While sightings are increasing, researchers emphasize that these sharks are not a threat to humans and that the shared waters offer valuable insight into their behavior.​

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Dr. David Ebert, San Jose State, Comments on Newly Discovered Shark Species

​Scientists have discovered a new ghost shark species, Harriotta avia, in New Zealand’s deep waters. Known as the Australasian narrow-nosed spookfish, this elusive “living fossil” boasts a long snout, wing-like fins, and shark-like traits, though it evolved 375 million years ago. According to Dr. David Ebert, Director at the Pacific Shark Research Center at California’s San Jose State University, little is understood about their remote habitats. 

Photograph By Shane Gross/ Nature Picture Library

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