
Diver writes notes while floating in the ocean

Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology

​​The Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology (COAST) integrates resources across the CSU and promotes interdisciplinary multicampus collaborations to advance our knowledge of coastal and marine resources and the processes affecting them. COAST serves faculty and student​s engaged in marine, coastal and coastal watershed related research at each of the CSU’s 23 campuses and supports research providing innovative solutions to economic, sociological, ecological and technological c​​hallenges along our coast.

  • Contaminant Cycling in Coastal Lagoons Systems

    ​Dr. Priya Ganguli and Dr. Scott Hauswirth, assistant professors in geological sciences at California State University, Northridge, are studying the transport and fate of contaminants in ephemeral lagoons that form along the coast.

  • Marine Science

    Ocean Warming, Acidification, Purple Urchins and Bull Kelp

    ​Increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are raising global temperatures and changing ocean chemistry.
