
Culturally Sensitive Teaching in STEM


  • Culturally relevant teaching
  • Promoting equity and inclusivity in the classroom
  • Engaging students in the course material
  • Encouraging students to leverage their cultural capital
  • Diversifying STEM teaching methods​


Heather Macias, Cal State Long Beach, Culturally Responsive Teaching: Serving the Needs and Integrating the Strengths of Historically Marginalized STEM Students
Aletha M. Harven, Stanislaus State, Culturally Responsive Teaching in STEM: Transformative Tools for Student Engagement
Melissa Navarro Martell, San Diego State, Ideological Perspectives in STEM with Latinx Students at HSIs
Cathrine Maiorca, Cal State Long Beach, Using an Equity-oriented Framework to Teach STEM
Rouhollah Aghasaleh, Humboldt State, Another STEM Teaching is Possible: Toward a Phronetic Scientific Knowledge
Ximena Cid, CSU Dominguez Hills, The Demographics of PER and How our Knowledge is Impacted by Who We Do and Do Not Study ​

Webcast Slides​

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