
STEM-NET, HSI-Hub Information

Participating Institutions ​

To learn more about the STEM-NET, CSU HSIs, partnering with our consortium​.

Collaborative Engagement​s

CSU, Title III Awardees, Leads​

The CSU Think Tank (Hub) is supported by the directors and project managers leading the grants and implementation efforts at their ​respective institutions across the CSUs.​

Leadership Synergy​

HSI-Hub Logic Model​​​

The CSU, HSI-Hub logic model is an outline for what the hub intends to accomplish in the upcoming years and how the dissemination of best practices is approached for systemwide.

Logic Model​​
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HSI-Hub Resources ​​

There are many resources from data to readily accessible materials you can access to learn more about HSIs and the role that the CSUs have in it​.

Material Availability​