Supporting Quantitative, Scientific and Data Literacy
“Recognizing the pandemic’s disproportionately adverse impacts on our state’s most underserved students…our Academic and Student Affairs team discussed with university leaders our need and desire to re-envision the ways we support students in their transition from high school to college.”
– Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester, September 2022 Board of Trustees
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting social and economic distress and unfinished PK-12 learning have changed the educational landscape for prospective CSU students, especially for those in historically underserved communities. In response, the CSU is pursuing a new path in providing incoming students of all backgrounds with equitable opportunities to succeed in a full range of majors and professions. As part of its ongoing commitment to academic preparation, a key priority of Graduation Initiative 2025, the CSU is partnering with PK-12 partners to reinforce the importance of quantitative reasoning, scientific and data literacy skills in college and career success. This collaboration can be seen through a range of activities including encouraging – but not requiring – high school students to take an additional math or science course, supporting PK-12 teacher preparation, fostering more dual enrollment opportunities and designing PK-12 curricular development to expand quantitative reasoning course availability.