
Victoria Munguia

Humboldt State University
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

Victoria Munguia
I intend to motivate students by teaching history in...a way that makes learning about the past more appealing and relevant to students...

​​Victoria Munguia is a Los Angeles native from an immigrant family. She grew up in a largely impoverished Latino community, where she and her family knew unremitting hardship. To get ahead, she worked twenty hours a week at a grocery store to pay for her secondary education. Her hard work paid off and Victoria graduated high school with honors.

Fascinated by history since childhood, Victoria focused on modern American history in her studies at Humboldt State University. In May, she completed her degree in history with a double minor in English literature and teaching English as a second language.

​In Fall 2013, she will enter the teaching credential program. She aspires to teach students who come from similarly debilitating socio-economic backgrounds and hopes to instill them with a passion for learning.