
Christine Lam
Christine Lam

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Trustee Wenda Fong and Daniel Fetterly Scholar

Eventually, I hope to run for Congress to provide a voice for the underrepresented.


Christine Lam grew up in a non-English speaking immigrant household, with parents who instilled a love of learning and encouraged her to read about various subjects. Determined to pursue higher education, she discovered resources to help her apply to college and found financial aid opportunities.

Christine is a political science major in the Master of Public Policy program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

After being exposed to social issues in her diverse hometown of San Francisco and getting selected as a Panetta Congressional Intern, Christine was inspired to pursue public service. She was a BEACoN Research Scholar and completed internships with Northrop Grumman and Bay Area public organizations. She works at the Cal Poly Writing Center assisting underrepresented students and is launching an online financial education business to increase financial literacy for youth.

Christine’s master’s focuses on technology policy, using technology to increase access to education and resources for underrepresented groups. She also plans to run for Congress in the future.