Many CSU educator preparation faculty, administrators, and staff are interested in understanding candidates’ experiences in specific programs or pathways to completing a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist teaching credential. In response to requests from our users, the EdQ Center added a new program/pathway ‘Group by’ option to the EdQ DataView Program Perceptions Dashboard in November 2018. This new option enables users to disaggregate data by teacher candidates’ program or pathway. Here are five key things to know about this new functionality:
- Teacher candidates self-identify their program/pathway on the completer survey. Candidates pick their specific program or pathway from a dropdown list on the completer survey. Most candidates identify their program or pathway accurately.
- Each campus determines what options are available on the dropdown list. Campuses can choose what programs and/or pathways to include on the list. Each campus has an opportunity to update this list each fall.
- The program/pathway ‘Group by’ option is only available when viewing an individual campus. It is not available when viewing system-wide data for all campuses. This protects campuses’ data privacy because many program names are campus-specific.
- The program/pathway ‘Group by’ option is currently only available for completer survey data. The EdQ Center doesn’t currently have a reliable source of program/pathway data for the year one teacher or employer surveys, but we’re exploring possibilities.
- If sample sizes are small, remember that you can pool data across years. Many programs or pathways have small samples sizes and thus may be redacted when viewing a single year of data. By selecting multiple years of data simultaneously, you can increase samples sizes in order to view more program/pathway results.
As always, please reach out to the EdQ Center if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!