

The CSU Esports Unconference

March 25th, 202​​1 9:00am-12:15pm

 Esports (also known as electronic sports) is a form of organized sports involving multiplayer video game competitions. Esports has many factors that affect student life and outcomes including student recruitment, retention, community building, and career development.​

The purpose of this gathering is to bring together faculty, staff, and students who are interested in aspects of esports and would like to share what they k​now, and/or learn more. Because esports cuts across the organization, from student affairs to career services, from IT to development, we hope to bring together a cross-functional group to discuss grass roots efforts, strategies for building initiatives, and ways we can leverage the size and diversity of the CSU syste​m to enhance campus efforts.



Welcome and Opening Remarks​

Our opening keynote will address the state of esports in higher education. What are esports, and where is this industry going? How do institutions get started with building sustainable programs? What are the costs and benefits to students, and to the institutions at large?

  • ​Opening remarks will be provided by Dr. Thomas A. Parham, president of California State University Dominguez Hills.
  • The keynote will be presented by Mark "Garvey" Candella, director of Student and Education Programs at Twitch, the popular streaming ​and esports platform.

Case Studies

In this session, we'll hear from three universities on where their programs are, how they are organized, what the student experience has been so far, and what the longer-term vision is for esports on their campuses.

  • ​University of California Irvine
  • Fresno State
  • Sacramento State

Breakout Discussions
Organizational Mo​dels for Esports
Careers Involving Esports  Esports in the Curriculum
Breakout Discussions
Bolstering Diversity and Inclusion in Esports  Esports, Student Success, Health and Wellness
Equipment, Spaces, and Equity


Esports and the Student Experience​
This session will cover student testimonials and experiences on how esports has made a positive impact in their academics and social-emotional state. Students will share some of the hard and soft skills gained from participating in an esports organization and unpack how we can bridge more community between our campuses. ​