

IR&A Glossary | Enrollment Reports |Reports & Analytics

College-Year Reports:

These reports provide a summary of the student enrolled, FTES, units, and graduation counts disaggregated by resident and non-resident classifications. To access these reports, follow the link to the Reports & Analytics page. First select “College Year” in the “Fall/College Year” dropdown. Next select “College Year Report” in the “Report” dropdown menu. Lastly select the college year you wish to view in the “Year(s)” dropdown menu.

CCC Transfers to the CSU System:

These reports provide a summary of California Community College Transfer enrollment across the CSU system. To access these reports, follow the link to the Reports & Analytics page. First select “Fall or “College Year” in the “Fall/College Year” dropdown. This report is available in either format. Please note that the “College Year” option has an additional filter for concentration CIP Code enrollment. Next select “California Community College Transfers to the CSU” in the “Report” dropdown menu. Lastly select the years you wish to view in the “Year(s)” dropdown menu.

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