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Many students are unable to experience the life-changing environment of CSU Summer Arts without the help of generous donations. Imagine studying with the best in the industry: Emmy Award winners, Tony Award winners, National Dance Awards winners, internationally acclaimed musicians, painters, and academics. Some of the top creatives in the arts gather at Summer Arts for four weeks every summer.

Thanks to these gifts, students work in a collaborative environment where nothing interferes with their creative practice. They can look at themselves in relation to their art. They are questioned about why they do what they do and what it means. By living in residence with other artisans, students are fully engaged in their discipline. There is nothing like CSU Summer Arts.

Donate Online

Simply select "CSU Summer Arts" when making your donation online at the link below.

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Download the Donation Form

All donors will receive recognition in our public events calendar and during our summer program.

Friend: up to $249
Advocate: $250 to $499
Patron: $500 to $999
Benefactor: $1000 and higher

All donations go directly to student scholarships. CSU Summer Arts is a nonprofit organization that amplifies students' success through the generous donations of the community.​

​We’d like to thank our generous 2023-2024 donors:​

Celeste DeMonte and Neal Howard

Joan & Bob Schoettler

Bernard and Marion Karian

John P. Minagro

Kathy Price

Jonny Barrett

Jay Hargett

Linda Reinisch

Denise Ditomassi-Gately

Robin and Roger Himovitz


Vito D'A.

Laura Parker​​

Oliver Kal

Lauren Thaler

Nancy Kral

Laura Kravetz​

Michael Barr

Allison Blakely

Maxine Weyant, MD

Peggy Hetherington

Marisa Mata

Neil Swartz and Karen Akwa

Heather Clark​

Eugene Esaki

Larry Balakian

Brett Hedrick, Hedrick's Chevrolet

Bass Inda Bonds

Dr. Peter Robertson and Victor Kral

Ann and Jim Rumberger

Kirt Danner

Dr. Geoffrey and Mrs. Laura Rohlfing

Ben & Clarice Krikorian

Greg Gilbert

Kaye Bonner Cummings​

Mary Egoian

Debra DeRosa Parola

Joyce and Bob Kierejczyk

Wayne and Laurell Huber

Dr. David Larson

Richard Wallace

Doug and Sandy Schultz

Laura Silberman

Honora Chapman

Linder Rempel family; LQMG

Elana Horwich