DPT Degree Requirements
The DPT is a practice-oriented doctorate, similar to the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or
Doctor of Dental Science (D.D.S.), in contrast to the research-oriented Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or the
Doctor of Nursing Practice
(DNP). The CSU DPT education programs are in alignment with the American Physical Therapy Association
Mission of Physical Therapist Professional
Program Length
While CSU DPT programs vary in their curriculum, in general the programs are three years and require 110 to 120
units taken across eight to nine semesters, including summers.
Clinical Practice
The DPT requires a minimum of 30 weeks of internship in a clinical setting as part of the three-year program.
Practica and internships are scheduled by the university in multiple practice settings.
Qualifying Assessment
To be eligible for the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree, the candidate shall have completed a program of study
that includes a qualifying assessment.
Grade Point Average
An overall grade point average of 3.00 (grade of B on a 4.00 scale) or better shall have been earned in the
coursework taken to satisfy the requirements for the degree.
Doctoral Project
Graduation from the program requires successful completion of a doctoral project that is expected to contribute to
an improvement in physical therapy practice, policy or client outcomes. The doctoral project is expected to demonstrate the student’s doctoral-level mastery of current evidence-based practice, critical and
independent thinking, and a command of the research literature. The
written component of the doctoral project is expected to demonstrate originality, evidencing critical and
independent thinking. An oral defense of the doctoral project is also required.