
Student-Focused Initiatives

The CSU’s student-focused initiatives aim to ensure that all students—regardless of racial, ethnic or financial background—have the same opportunities to benefit from the transformative power of a CSU degree. As the CSU processes the results from Graduation Initiative 2025, it has reimagined a bold new vision of student success through its Year of Engagement process.

Graduation Initiative 2025/Year of Engagement

Since its launch in 2015, Graduation Initiative 2025​ has aimed to increase graduation rates for all CSU students while eliminating opportunity and achievement gaps. The initiative has brought completion rates to all-time highs and continues to focus on narrowing equity gaps between underserved students and their peers. Moving beyond GI 2025, the CSU has embarked on the Year of Engagement project—the most comprehensive and intentional consultation in the system’s history. This project has harnessed the collective wisdom of more than 1 million CSU community members to identify promising practices, recognize areas for additional improvement and assess effectiveness of previous initiatives.

Degrees Conferred in 2023-24​​
Degree Type
Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
Doctoral Degrees

Supporting Diverse Communities of Students

To provide the most effective support for the diverse communities of students across the CSU system, the CSU has established several outreach efforts, including the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Global Equity Hub, the CSU Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Student Achievement Program, and the Central Office for the Advancement of Black Student Success. The CSU also has programs that offer support for student parents, foster youth and students experiencing food insecurity. All university programs and activities are open and available to all regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.