
About Us

In support of campuses’ commitment to high-quality academic programs, the Office of Academic Programs, Innovations and Faculty Development coordinates and facilitates the review and approval of new academic degree programs, assists in the development and implementation of policy on general education and other curricular matters, participates in addressing graduate education issues, and ensures that facilities planning is linked to academic program planning. 

Additionally, APIFD works to support the development of new faculty, the professional development of current faculty, and to ensure robust pedagogical support for the academic technology use by faculty across the system. Finally, we focus on the development and support of healthcare degrees and future workforce development strategies. Learn more about the division of Academic and Student Affairs.

Program Information

For more information about our programs, email us.

Staff Directory

Brent M. Foster, Ph.D.
(562) 951-4149
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Programs & Faculty Development​​​
Rehman Attar, MPH
Director, Healthcare Workforce Development
Sarah Aubert
(562) 951-4881
Director, Academic Programs Infrastructure and Curriculum
Margaret Brady, Ph.D.
(562) 951-4643
Faculty Director, Nursing and Health Education
Assistant Director, General Education and Intersegmental Partnerships
Kirstie Genzel
(562) 951 – 4195
SDLC Program Manager
Marla Gunasegaram
(562) 951-none
Quality Assurance Blnd/Online Program Coordinator
Jessica Hartwigsen
(562) 951-none
Program Specialist
Christina Hennessey
(562) 951-4137
Director, Library Data Management
Rose Hidalgo
(562) 951-4424
Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Program Coordinator
Caron Inouye, Ph.D.
(562) 951-4154
Interim State University Dean, Academic Programs​
Melerelini Ioane
(562) 951-4632
Program Coordinator, Pre-Doctoral and Innovative Teaching and Learning Programs
Leslie Kennedy
(562) 951-4605
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Technology Services
Faith Lattomus
(562) 951-4615
Program Manager/Support CalState Online
Chris Lee
(562) 951-4246
Resource Sharing Manager, SDLC
Emily Magruder, Ph.D.
(562) 951-4752
Director, Innovative Teaching and Future Faculty Development
Arnab Mukherjea, DrPH
Faculty Fellow for Health Professions, California Pre-Doctoral Program
Kieran Mulholland
(562) 951-4879
Articulation, Curriculum and Transfer Analyst
Diversity Programs Administrator
Kristy Ochoa
(562) 951-4191
Program Administration Coordinator 
Katy Pinto, Ph.D.
(562) 951-4526
CDIP Faculty Director
Gabrielle Richmond
(562) 951-4617
ATS Operations and Program Administrator
David Risner
(562) 951-4107
ATS Programmer Analyst
Ann Roll
(562) 951-4592
Director, Systemwide Digital Library Contents
Elizabeth Sanchez
(562) 951-4426
Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Program Manager
Marci Sanchez
(562) 951-4715
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Transfer Programs
Xuan Santos, Ph.D.
(562) 951-4706
Faculty Director, California Pre-Doctoral Program
Ashley Skylar
(562) 951-4556
Quality Assurance Project Manager for Online Education
Barbra Sperling
(562) 951-8488
Website Project Manager, Academic Technology Services
Jason Stanton
(562) 951-4081
Webmaster & Social Media Specialist, Academic Technology Services
Lisa Tran
(562) 951-4419
Library Financial & Operation Analyst, Academic Technology Services
Bryan Tu
(562) 951-4554
Programmer Analyst, Academic Technology Services
David Walker
(562) 951-4845
Director, Systemwide Digital Library Services
Faculty Fellow for the Pre-Professor Program
Tu​an Nguyen
(562) 951-8189
Financial and Operations Specialist