

​The State of California has elected to be self-insured for its general liability, vehicle liability, workers’ compensation and property exposures. As a state agency, the CSU Office of the Chancellor, the Trustees, and the 23 CSU campuses are included in this self-insured program, administered through the CSU Risk Management Authority (CSURMA), A Joint Powers Authority.​

CSURMA programs include: ​

​Pooled Liability
Pooled Workers’ Compensation
Property Program
Athletic Injury Medical Expense (AIME)
Auxiliary Organizations Risk Management Alliance (AORMA​)

​​Campus Insurance

CSU Risk Management Authority

CSURMA mitigates risk for the CSU and Auxiliary Organizations.

Go to CSURMA Site

State Office of Risk & Insurance Management

ORIM provides the CSU’s automobile insurance.

Go to ORIM Site