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CSU Benefits Open Enrollment

Register for a ​Virtual Benefit Fair

Open Enrollment is now clo​sed.

Open Enrollment is your opportunity each year to review your current benefit plan selections to ensure they continue to meet your personal and family needs. During this time, you can:​​

  • Enroll in a benefit plan
  • Change or add to your benefit plans
  • Add or remove eligible family members
  • Elect to decline or cancel coverage
  • Re-enroll in annual Health Care or Dependent Care reimbursement (HCRA/DCRA) accounts
  • Update or enroll in voluntary benefit plans
  • Update your beneficiaries and ensure your personal information is up to date

If you would like to make a change, please visit your campus benefits open enrollment website for instructions on how to enroll, change or cancel health, dental, vision and HCRA/DCRA benefits. Visit your campus site by clicking on the dropdown under “Campus Benefit Information” on the right hand side of this page. For voluntary benefits (excluding HCRA/DCRA), you must visit the vendor websites to enroll, change or cancel.  Instructions will be provided on the respective vendor sites.  

If you have no changes to your current health, dental, vision or voluntary plans, you don’t need to do anything during Open Enrollment. Your plans will automatically continue for the upcoming plan year (excluding any HCRA/DCRA elections).

What’s New For 2025

Health Plan Rate Changes

Effective January 1, 2025, rates for most health plans will change.

PERS Gold and PERS Platinum

Effective January 1, 2025, Blue Shield of California will be the new administrator for all PPO plans. For members currently in a basic plan, they are partnering with Included Health to provide member services, including answering inquiries, guiding members to the most appropriate in-network and high-quality providers, and providing care coordination services for members, particularly those with complex health conditions. Included Health will also expand access to care through their supplemental virtual primary care and behavioral health care services. There are no changes to copays, coinsurance, or deductibles with the transition to Blue Shield.

Health Plan Expansions

  • Blue Shield Trio will expand to Contra Costa county and select zip codes in Shasta county.
  • Health Net Salud y Más will expand into Imperial county.
  • Kaiser Permanente will expand into select zip codes of Monterey county.
  • UnitedHealthcare Harmony will expand into Napa county and select zip codes in Contra Costa and Solano counties.
Health Plan Exits

The Anthem Blue Cross Del Norte EPO plan will no longer be offered. Members that do not elect a health plan change will be automatically enrolled in Blue Shield Access+, effective January 1, 2025.

Health Benefit Design Changes

  • Doula Benefit for all Pregnant and Postpartum Members - New benefit for all pregnant and postpartum Basic plan members to receive health education, advocacy, physical and emotional nonmedical support before, during and after pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth and abortions.
  • Travel Benefit for Medically Necessary Care - Update to standardize travel and lodging coverage for eligible medically necessary services including, but not limited to abortion services, gender affirming care, complex surgeries, and cancer care that cannot be accessed within 50 miles from the member’s residence for all Basic and Medicare plan members, up to $5,000 per occurrence. This includes transportation, lodging and meals for the member and a companion (both parents/guardians when patient is under 18).
  • For PORAC health plan only - Combine acupuncture and chiropractic visits to a 20-visit limit. Physical and occupational therapy have no visit limitations.
Vision Service Plan (VSP) Premier Rate Changes

Effective January 1, 2025, rates for the VSP Premier Plan will change.

The Standard – Guaranteed Issue Voluntary Life Insurance

New for 2025, The Standard Insurance will allow eligible active members the opportunity to enroll in Voluntary Life insurance (up to $100,000 for self and/or spouse/registered domestic partners for up to $50,000) without proving Evidence of Insurability. If you currently have less than $100,000 of coverage or you are not currently enrolled, you can apply for this enhanced benefit.

You can view The Standard’s recorded webinar reviewing the Guarantee Issue Voluntary Life insurance, as well as their other products, here.

Note: Previously declined employees or spouses/registered domestic partners​ will need to provide satisfactory Evidence of Insurability for this enhanced benefit.


  • ​To qualify for most benefits, you must initially have employment exceeding six months, with a time base of at least .50.
  • Academic-year lecturers and coaches are eligible for benefits if appointed for a minimum of one semester or two consecutive quarters with a time base of .40 or greater.
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA)—Employees who do not meet eligibility requirements listed above may qualify for health care under ACA.
  • If you do not meet any of the eligibility criteria above, you may still be eligible to enroll in many of the voluntary plans. Learn mo​re here​​.

Benefits Plans for 2025

Voluntary Benefits​​