Forms for Collaborative-Design-Build
Collaborative Design-Build (CDB) a delivery method that is a hybrid of the CMAR and DB and consists of a Phase 1 agreement where the owner and Design Builder collaborate to develop a set of Design-Build documents and a GMP that is based on those documents, and a Phase 2 Design-Build agreement as a product of the scope and GMP developed in Phase 1.
- Architect: The Architect and the owner will not have a direct contractual relationship; however,the owner’s input will be required to complete the design. The Architect and the Design-builderhave a direct contractual relationship.
- Contractor: The contractor acts as the Design-Builder, with the Architect under his/her services.
- Project Procurement: the owner awards a Phase 1 service agreement for design andpreconstruction as a product of a best value selection of a Design-Build team, and after approvalof scope and GMP, award a phase 2 agreement for the completion of design, and construction.
These are a list of forms that are relevant to each build step listed on the left menu for Collaborative-Design-Build.