

Stage 4: Design

Schematic Design Phase


Goal of Schematic Design is to define the character of the project and document a design solution that satisfies the Trustees objectives as they relate to the program components, building systems, and the budget. The design shall be competent and in accordance with all applicable codes and standards, but does not need to be fully detailed.

Schematic Design

Information presented in various deliverables need to be organized and easily followed. Refer to Exhibit D, California State University Procedure Manual for Capital Projects, for the minimum requirements for schematic documents.

The preconstruction services of Construction Manager (CM) shall also be performed per Exhibit A, Scope of Work, of the Preconstruction Phase Service Agreement​ including a full and complete construction cost estimate at 100% Schematic design phase as well as a project Schedule representing all tasks necessary to complete the project within the project duration.

As an initial task, the CM, in conjunction with the Architect, shall review the Budgeted Direct Construction Cost and determine if it is sufficient to construct the Project. The CM shall prepare a cost estimate and evaluate the estimate against the construction budget and recommend, the appropriate action to avoid potential cost overruns. The CM, in collaboration with the Architect, shall establish target values for the cost of each Project element to be used as a basis of design and cost monitoring.


Engage in contractual relationships with all Trustees regulatory service providers such as pre-qualified plan check firms, seismic, and mechanical, and commissioning peer reviewers prior to schematic presentations to CPDC or Board of Trustees.

Campus designated staff shall attend the initial job-start meeting as well as all subsequent meetings to insure campus representation and provide guidance to Architect and CM teams per previsions of the contract.


In addition to campus requirements, two distinct presentations are required, first presentation is to Assistant Vice Chancellor at CPDC for review prior to submittal for Trustees’ Approval. Second presentation is to the Board of Trustees.


Schematic Design Regulatory Approval

Prior to presentation of the 75% schematic design documents to Assistant Vice Chancellor at CPDC, the project shall be reviewed for compliance with budget, scope, and schedule. Adjustments to the schedule should be readily identifiable. Additionally, written concurrences of seismic and mechanical peer reviewers should be obtained. Code analysis of the project should be complete and presentable. Early courtesy meetings with State Fire Marshal, Division of State Architect, Access Compliance, and other relevant local agencies should have also occurred. Minutes of such the meetings must be documented and available. Written certification warranting that the campus organization representing persons with disabilities have had the opportunity to review the plans should be available for CPDC.

The Schematic documents should be incisive of the campus and CSU standards such as the Telecommunications Infrastructure Model Guidelines and campus energy targets.

Any modification to the program specifications shall be noted and a request for program change must also be submitted in writing to CPDC.


CPDC Validation and BOT Approval


At approximately 75% Schematic Design and prior to the start of Design Development Phase by the campus, the Assistant Vice Chancellor at CPDC shall review Capital projects as a delegated schematic approval or provide concurrence for presentation of the project schematic design to the Board of Trustees (BOT).

for Projects that require BOT presentation and approval, the final presentation should address all items that we identified in the 75% Schematic Design presentation. The required complete documents for BOT presentation need to be submitted approximately 10 weeks prior to the date of the meeting in order for the project to make the agenda. BOT dates are published annually by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer. The campus is encouraged maintain communication with the designated University planner at the CPDC.

References: Forms / Templates:
  • CPDC 2-7 - Signed
  • CPDC 2-7.5
  • CPDC 3-1
  • EFO Scope and Budget Concurrence Letter
  • Mechanical Review Concurrence Letter
  • Seismic Review Concurrence Letter
  • Site Boundary Certification
  • BOT Agenda Item (Delegated and Non-Delegated Projects, Contact CPDC Planner)
  • Business Disclosure (Contact CPDC Planner)
  • Detailed Cost Estimate
  • Basis of Design Reports
  • Plans (Schematic Documents per Exhibit D)
  • BOT Graphic Elements (boards)
  • Contingency and Value Management Items
  • Capital Projects Transmittal Sheet (Major Capital or Infrastructure Improvement)​​

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