

Share the contributions CSU faculty and faculty developers are making toward the continuous improvement of teaching and learning.

Cal State LA

Cal State LA’s Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) was called “a national model for faculty development” by the WASC Senior College and University Commission when it reaffirmed the university’s accreditation in June 2019.

Go to CETL

CSU Channel Islands

Teaching and Learning Innovations (TLI) at CSUCI untethers faculty workshops from a closed-off physical space and infuses them with principles of openness and connected learning. TLI’s online new faculty orientation is open to all.

Go to TLI

Humboldt Sta​te

The journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy (SOTLIP), published by Humboldt State, features evidence-based teaching and learning methods and research.


San Francisco State

From 2014 to 2017, SFSU redesigned majors to strengthen student engagement, retention and graduation and sharpened the university culture of teaching and learning with support from The Teagle Foundation. SFSU has been the CSU Center of Excellence for ePor​tfolios since 2006.

Go to Redesigning Majors at SFSU

Faculty-Authored Books & Articles

Find a sampling of notable publications by CSU faculty dedicated to professional growth.

See Faculty Publications

CSU Faculty Innovation and Leadership Award

Learn about outstanding faculty who are leading ​the way to improve student success across the CSU.

Go to the FILA Site
Higher Ed Rewired Podcast