Through CDIP grants, we aim to support the collaborative activities of our CDIP fellows and their faculty members. Fellows will have the opportunity to use grant funds to further their doctoral training and to attend professional conferences and workshops.
Through research and scholarly attendance at conferences, fellows can enhance their professional development. The goal of the grants is to support fellows by awarding them seed funds to enhance their skills and experience to teach the CSU student body.
Doctoral Education Support Grant
Program Description: The grant program offers resources to CDIP Fellows to ensure the successful completion of their doctoral training and thereby enhance the competitiveness of their applications for tenure-track instructional faculty positions at CSU campuses. The grant funds fellows for doctoral education activities, including supplies, software, cloud data storage, professional services, memberships, subscriptions to academic journals, or training. This is a competitive process and does not guarantee funding.
Eligibility: CDIP Fellows must submit the annual enrollment verification form indicating full-time enrollment by the deadline to be in good standing in the program and be eligible to apply.
Funding (maximum): $2,500
Application Deadline: October 15th
Conference Travel Grant
Program Description: The grant program supports conference travel related to their field of study. The CDIP Conference Travel Grant Program offers travel support to CDIP Fellows ($1,500) and their CSU Faculty Mentors ($1,500) to attend or present at disciplinary conferences. The application is submitted by the Fellow for the Fellow and the CSU Mentor (if the CSU Mentor is traveling to the same conference). This is a competitive application process, priority will be given to fellows planning on presenting at a conference.
Eligibility: CDIP Fellows must submit the annual enrollment verification form indicating full-time enrollment by the deadline to be in good standing in the program and be eligible to apply.
Funding for Fellow (maximum per trip): $1,500
Funding for Mentor (maximum per trip): $1,500
Application Deadlines:
November 15th deadline is for conferences occurring in Spring between January 1-June 30
May 15th deadline is for conferences occurring in Fall between July 1-December 31
NCFDD Membership
CDIP Fellows are eligible to apply for membership to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD). NCFDD is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community for over 71,000 faculty, post-docs and grad students, dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their career. If a Fellow's doctoral institution does not hold an institutional membership, CDIP can pay for individual student membership of $495.
Eligibility: CDIP Fellows must submit the annual enrollment verification form indicating full-time enrollment by the deadline to be in good standing in the program and be eligible to apply.
Funding: $495
Application Deadline for Fall: November 15th
Check for your institution's membership.
To access to the applications for each grant please refer to your CDIP Fellows canvas page.