
Campus Assignments

Christina Checel

Christina Checel
Associate Vice Chancellor
Labor and Employee Relations

Carl Fisher

Carl Fisher
Senior Director
Academic Labor Relations

Joseph Jelincic

Joseph Jelincic
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Collective Bargaining
Labor and Employee Relations

Tricia O’Shaughnessy
Labor Relations Analyst

Steve James

Steve James
Labor Relations Advisor
Labor & Employee Relations

Charmian Yan

Charmian Yan
Labor Relations Analyst

Stefanie Gusha

Stefanie Gusha
Senior Director,Collective Bargaining
Labor and Employee Relations

Yvette Menacho

Yvette Menacho
Assistant to AVC, Labor Relations

Jui Doi

Julie Doi
Senior Director
Labor and Employee Relations

Melissa Santos

Melissa Santos
Administrative Coordinator

Erin Eckelman-Ray

Erin Eckelman-Ray
Senior Director – Arbitration Lead
Labor and Employee Relations

Labor Relations

APC | CFA | CSUEU | IUOE| Teamsters | UAPD | UAW

*Permanent assignments are in BOLD

Jui Doi

Erin Eckelman-Ray
Senior Director – Arbitration Lead
Labor and Employee Relations

Fullerton | Northridge | San Marcos

Hector Fernandez

Hector Fernandez
Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

Monterey Bay | ​San Francisco

Diva Sanchez Trevino

Diva Sanchez Trevino
Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

Chancellor’s Office | Maritime Academy | San Luis Obispo

Christina Knott

Christina Knott
Assistant Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

East Bay | Fresno | San Diego | San Jose | Pomona

Angela Portillo

Kent Porter
Special Consultant
Labor and Employee Relations

Bakersfield | Humboldt | Long Beach | Sacramento 

Akemy Bon-Flores

Akemy Bon-Flores
Assistant Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

Channel Islands | Chico |
Los Angeles | San Bernardino

Avi Phillips

Avi Phillips
Assistant Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

Dominguez Hills | Sonoma | Stanislaus

Statewide University Police Association (SUPA)


Julie Doi

Senior Director
Labor and Employee Relations

All Campuses

Hector Fernandez

Hector Fernandez
Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

All Campuses

Information Requests - Systemwide

Hector Fernandez

Hector Fernandez
Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations

PERB - Systemwide

Diva Sanchez Trevino

Diva Sanchez Trevino
Director of Systemwide
Labor Relations