
Center for Community Engagement

Leaders in Risk Reduction

Leaders in Risk Reduction

Blazin​g a ​Trail

Since 2001, CCE has worked to create a culture of understanding risk. We have simplified the process, but most importantly, we help students understand risk, learn to ask questions and take advantage of resources. Reducing risk goes hand-in-hand with high quality community-engaged learning.

The advent of technology has inspired us to shift our mindset from why, to how we reduce risk.​

CSU is on the forefront of risk manageme​nt and reduction. Our collaborative and innovative process enables us to create best practices from our shared knowledge. We created a platform, CalState S4, that helps us reduce risk, providing safer environments for students to learn, work and develop as leaders.

​The world changed. We changed with it.

Risk Reduction In Practice


Communication is a key component of risk reduction. CCE works with campuses to find ways to reduce the risk and liability exposure. We work together to provide training and information to students and​​​ community partners.​



Technology is a key component in risk reduction. We support many types of learning experiences that take place in the community across our 23 campuses through the use of CalState S4.​



Student learning is a key component of risk reduction. Risk reduction procedures mirror aspects of students’ lives. Along with important career-related and life skills, students learn the importance of receiving training and why safety protocols matter.​