
Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes


Civic Engagement and STEM Career​​​​​​ Interest

Students who participated in service-learning courses reported significantly higher civic engagement attitudes at posttest than control students, and this difference was statistically significant (F(1,927)=4.61, p<.05).

Civic Engagement and STEM Career Interest

Civic Engagement Attitudes

Service-learning students increased in civic engagement attitudes from pretest to posttest, while control students decreased. This difference was not statistically significant.  

Civic Engagement Attitudes

Civic Engagement Behaviors

Student-reported civic engagement behaviors increased from pretest to posttest for both service-learning and control students, and this difference was statistically significant (F(1,578)=9.94, p<.01).

Civic Engagement Behaviors

STEM Career Interest

Service-learning students' STEM career attitudes increased from pretest to posttest, while control students' STEM career attitudes decreased from pretest to posttest. This difference was statistically significant (F(1,526)=3.89, p<.05).

STEM Career Interest
