
CSU Priorities 2025

Summary of CSU System Priorities for 2025-26

The CSU is a force for economic mobility, workforce development, development of an engaged and educated citizenry, and will continue to advance our values and our mission. That includes standing resolutely for the success of all our students, regardless of background. The priorities for the CSU include:

Open Doors to All Students and Provide a Pathway to Success through Direct Aid

The CSU remains the national leader in affordability while delivering a quality education. Significant state and institutional grants provide vital support to our low-income and underrepresented students. Federal financial aid programs remain critical to these students, including nearly 210,000 who rely on need-based Pell Grants. More than 65,000 Pell recipients earn CSU bachelor's degrees each year. Priorities relating to access include:

  • Enhance the Pell Grant program by doubling the maximum grant; restoring automatic cost-of-living increases to the maximum grant; reserving any surplus funds for future program needs or improvements and allowing our students and families ample time and support in filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
  • Extend Pell eligibility for graduate students that have not used up their lifetime eligibility while completing their undergraduate degree, as was previously proposed in the Aim Higher Act.
  • Revise the campus-based aid allocation formula to further invest in the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) and Federal Work-Study (FWS) programs.
  • Support policies that minimize college debt burden and promote philanthropic support to our institutions of higher education through scholarship, internships, faculty/student research, capital outlay, tax credits and similar methods of support.
  • Encourage interagency data sharing and streamline administrative processes to reduce barriers for students accessing federal assistance programs, like those programs in the BASIC Act.

Ensure Comprehensive and Inclusive Student-Success and Career Readiness Programs

The CSU is continuously working to improve K-12 student readiness and measure the performance of CSU-trained teachers. The federal government is a vital partner connecting states, colleges and universities, and industry by investing in our students' career pathways and readiness. Priorities relating to student success and career readiness include:

  • Defend and encourage robust funding for effective pipeline programs such as GEAR UP and TRIO.
  • Maintain a strong federal partnership with universities to transform the preparation of America's teachers and school leaders, especially for high-need schools.
  • Support and grow career and workforce readiness programs.​

Foster Degree Completion for California's Diverse Population

The CSU provides more than half of all undergraduate degrees granted to California's Latinx/a/o, Black and African American and Indigenous Native American students and is a leader in transitioning veterans to the workforce. Federal capacity-building programs and targeted grants help bridge completion and equity gaps. Priorities relating to degree completion include:

  • Support federal policies that assist California's undocumented community and provide long-term stability and opportunities.
  • Maintain strong support for Hispanic- and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions through administrative flexibility and increased investments in capacity-building programs at the Department of Education and other federal agencies, for example with the Hispanic Educational Resources and Empowerment (HERE) Act.
  • Support the needs of veterans on campus and smooth their transition to the civilian workforce.
  • Promote policies that reduce recidivism by expanding access to a college education.
  • Foster community college transition of students to CSUs for successful degree completion, in accordance with Graduation Initiative 2025.
  • Support policies and funding opportunities to support CSU's degree completion initiatives.
  • Amplify the vital role the United States Department of Education plays in the quality of instruction of our educational system and provides for the long-term success of our students and national workforce pipeline.

Educate Students for Tomorrow's Workforce

Every year, over 125,000 new CSU graduates drive California's and America's economy in the information technology, life sciences, agriculture, business, artificial intelligence, healthcare, education, public administration, entertainment and multimedia industries. Priorities related to educating the workforce of tomorrow include:

  • Support strong federal investment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, especially for Minority-serving Institutions (MSIs) and Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs).
  • Ensure our students are well-rounded, educated individuals equipped to navigate a globally diverse world through robust funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities.
  • Encourage federal policies that allow the CSU to be a leader and magnet for global talent that does not discriminate by country of origin by allowing international students, scholars, and visitors to come to the CSU through improved visa processes, employment based opportunities, and permanent protections for Dreamers.
  • Support funding for co-curricular high-impact practices, internships, fellowships, apprenticeships, and extension curriculum design and deployment and other federal workforce development programs.

Solve Societal Problems through Applied Research

In laboratories, at field sites and through programs at the CSU, including through the CSU Research Clusters, students, faculty and collaborating scientists advance California's capacity to address key issues of significance to our state and nation. By growing and investing in the research capacity at Minority-serving Institutions (MSI) and Emerging Research Institutions (ERI), our nation can continue its global scientific leadership and unleash the dynamic and diverse research talent to solve global problems. Priorities related to growing and supporting applied research include:

  • Prioritize the preservation of existing research funding that supports the mission of the CSU.
  • Advocate for more equitable Facilities and Administrative (F&A) and Indirect Cost Reimbursements from federal agencies for MSIs.
  • Sustain and increase funding for NIH, NSF, NIST, NASA, NOAA, DoD, and other federal scientific research agencies with dedicated allocations for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs) to build sustainable research capacity through instrumentation, upgraded facilities, and expand student research opportunities.
  • Identify new opportunities for more federal R&D programs to boost CSU's research capacity such as designated funding for MSIs and ERIs.
  • Expand funding from the USDA to Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) and HispanicServing Agricultural Colleges and Universities (HSACU) through reauthorization of the Farm Bill.
  • Advocate for agencies to harmonize, streamline, and, when possible, eliminate unnecessary regulations and reporting requirements to maximize federal investments in research.

Enhance Campus Health, Safety and Infrastructure

For students to be successful academically and well positioned for post-graduate success, they need to be positioned to have their basic needs met, be an environment that supports their wellbeing, and has the facilities that are equipped to develop the workforce needed for future state and national competitiveness. Priorities to enhance campus health, safety, and infrastructure include:

  • Student-centered success starts with well-being both inside and outside the classroom and catering to basic needs to ensure a safe and equitable learning environment for all students.
  • Promote federal funding and policies that support students' well-being and basic needs, including housing and food security and mental health, including support for the BASIC Act.
  • Fund programs that enhance campus safety, health, and wellness for federal support and funding to assist campuses with addressing sexual violence and other threats to campus wellbeing.
  • Support investments in infrastructure and assets that provide campuses opportunities to partner with their communities, improve facilities, and promote job training and strategic economic growth.
  • Support legislation related to sustainability and climate adaptation to support investments by the CSU in achieving greater energy efficiency and moving toward NetZero Carbon Emissions.