governance structure calls for Faculty and Administrative Representatives from each campus and marine consortia. These
Campus Representatives form the official decision-making body for COAST. They have official voting privileges on behalf of their campus and are responsible for communicating with campus faculty and administrators. The COAST
Executive Committee is elected from the Campus Representatives and works closely with the
Staff to oversee daily operations. Additionally, there is a
Presidents’ Council, appointed by the Chancellor and led by Dr. Vanya Quinones (CSUMB). COAST's activities are guided by its
Strategic Plan.
Campus Representatives
Select a campus from the drop down below to view the COAST Campus Representatives or view them all as a List.
Ocean Studies Institute
Consortium Representative
- Chris Lowe, Biological Sciences
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Consortium Representative
- Mike Wood, Computational Oceanography
Faculty Representatives
- Jochen Nuester, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Tag Engstrom, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- David Hassenzahl, Dean, College of Natural Science
East Bay
Faculty Representatives
- James Murray, Biological Sciences
- Tyler Evans, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Jason Singley, Dean, College of Science
Faculty Representatives
- Paul Bourdeau, Biological Sciences
- Christine Cass, Oceanography
Administrative Representative
- Eric Riggs, Dean, College of Natural Resources and Sciences
Faculty Representatives
- Alexander Parker, Oceanography
- Michael Holden, Mechanical Engineering
Administrative Representative
- Graham Benton, Associate Provost and Dean, School of Letters and Sciences
Faculty Representatives
- Timothy Davidson, Biological Sciences
- Lani Gleason, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Lisa Hammersley, Interim Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation, & Economic Development & Mathematics
San Francisco
Faculty Representatives
- Sarah Cohen, Biology
- Jonathon Stillman, Geography & Environment
Administrative Representative
- Katharyn Boyer, Interim Director, Estuary and Ocean Science Center
San José
Faculty Representatives
- Maya deVries, Biological Sciences
- Emmanuel (Manny) Gabet, Geology
Administrative Representative
- Michael Kaufman, Dean, College of Science
Faculty Representatives
- Brent Hughes, Biology
- Daniel Crocker, Biology
Administrative Representative
- Elisabeth Wade, Dean, School of Science and Technology
Faculty Representatives
- Antje Lauer, Biology
- Rachel (Rae) McNeish, Biology
Administrative Representative
- Todd McBride, Associate Dean, School of Natural Sciences, Mathematics
Faculty Representatives
- Mathieu Richaud, Earth & Environmental Sciences
- Aric Mine, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Chris Meyer, Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Monterey Bay
Presidential Liaison
- Cindy Juntunen, Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
Faculty Representatives
- Alison Haupt, Marine Science
- Cheryl Logan, Marine Science
Administrative Representative
- Cindy Juntunen, Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
San Luis Obispo
Faculty Representatives
- Emily Bockmon, Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Alexis Pasulka, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Dean Wendt, Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Faculty Representatives
- Amanpreet Manchanda, Chemistry
- Ritin Bhaduri, Biology
Administrative Representative
- Martina Ramirez, Dean, College of Science
Channel Islands
Faculty Representatives
- Clare Steele, Environmental Science and Resource Management
- Geoff Dilly, Biology
Administrative Representative
- Phil Hampton, Interim Dean, School of Arts & Sciences
Dominguez Hills
Faculty Representatives
- Charlene McCord, Biology
- Samantha Leigh, Biology
Administrative Representative
- Philip LaPolt, Dean, College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Faculty Representatives
- Danielle Zacherl, Biological Science
- Ryan Walter, Biological Science
Administrative Representative
- Marie Johnson, Dean, College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Long Beach
Faculty Representatives
- Erika Holland, Biological Sciences
- Douglas Pace, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Curtis Bennett , Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Los Angeles
Faculty Representatives
- Kathleen Sullivan, Anthropology
- Petr Vozka, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Administrative Representative
- Jason Shiotsugu, Director of Research, Office of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities
Faculty Representatives
- Alexandra Davis, Biology
- Priya Ganguli, Geological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Jerry Stinner, Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Faculty Representatives
- Jeff Marshall, Geological Sciences
- Jayson Smith, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Craig W. LaMunyon, Interim Associate Vice President, Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development
San Bernardino
Faculty Representatives
- Swat Kethireddy, Health Science and Human Ecology
- Xiaoxu Jiang, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Administrative Representative
- Guillermo Escalante, Assistant Dean, Natural Sciences
San Diego
Faculty Representatives
- Hassan Davani, Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
- Matt Edwards, Biology
Administrative Representative
- Hala Madanat, Interim Vice President, Division of Research and Innovation
San Marcos
Faculty Representatives
- Casey Mueller, Biological Sciences
- John Eme, Biological Sciences
Administrative Representative
- Jacqueline Trischman, Interim Dean, College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Executive Committee
Presidents’ Council