
Who We Are

The California State University's Commission on Professional and Continuing Education (CPaCE) was established by the Trustees, serves as an advisory group to the Chancellor, and speaks to the issues and opportunities facing the professional and continuing education program units at each of the campuses. The commission advises the Chancellor on policy, financial, and programming aspects of professional and continuing education.​

​We are in the people-development business, and want to continue the legacy of Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) that began in 1857, collectively and collaboratively. With an unshakeable commitment to growth, learn who embodies CSU CPaCE!​​


Council of Presidents

Jane C. Conoley
Erika D. Beck

Academic Council
​Provosts/Vice Presidents

Vincent Del Casino

Academic Senate

Thomas Norman
Meghan O'Donnell
Dipendra Sinha
Steven Rein

Professional and Continuing Education Leadership Council/Deans

Godfrey Gibbison​​
Jill Leafstedt
Clare Van Ness​

Chancellor's Office Representatives

Brent Foster
Duan J​ackson
Jaishankar Raman​

Directors At-Large

Chris Swarat

Employer Partners

Mark Bisbee
Vicki Brannock


Professional and Continuing Education Chancellor's Office Staff

Mandara Savage
Amanda Olivas
Sorann Sing


Commissioners are change agents, leaders on the campuses engaging in societal change by enhancing and enriching our communities​.​

Meet Our Leaders

