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Whistleblower Protection

The Chancellor’s Office has procedures for employees and applicants for employment at the CSU to make protected disclosures of improper governmental activities or significant threats to health and safety.​

Executive Order No. 1115 establishes procedures for CSU Chancellor’s Office employees, applicants for employment at the CSU and Third Parties to make protected disclosures of improper governmental activities or significant threats to health and safety.

Examples of improper activities by state employees that can be reported are illegal acts like theft, fraud or conflicts of interest; misuse or abuse of state property or time; and gross misconduct, incompetence or inefficiency.

How to Report Improper Governmental Activities
The campus administrator designated to receive protected disclosure​s by employees who work at the Chancellor’s Office, or applicants for employment at the Chancellor’s Office (CO), is: Dave Grant, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Chancellor’s Office, (562) 951-4070. Chancellor’s Office employees may also make protected disclosures directly to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

Employees also have the option of contacting the California State Auditor. There are two ways to share information with the Auditor: Call the Whistleblower Hotline at (800) 952-5665, or mail it to Investigations, California State Auditor, P.O. Box 1019 Sacramento, CA 95812.

How to File a Complaint for Retaliation for Making a Protected Disclosure
Chancellor’s Office Employees, Former employees and Applicants for employment who allege that they have been retaliated against for having made a protected disclosure under the California Whistleblower Act must use the procedure in Executive Order No. 1116.

The procedure requires that a complaint must be filed within 12 months of the alleged act of retaliation. It is suggested that the complaint form attached to Executive Order No. 1116 (Attachment A) be used. CO employees/applicants should file complaints with (a) their supervisor or manager, or (b) the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

A CO supervisor or manager who receives a whistleblower retaliation complaint shall promptly transmit it to CO Human Resources, which will refer the complaint to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.

Whistleblower retaliation complaints will be processed by the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources in accordance with Executive Order No. 1116.

Retaliation against employees who make protected disclosures is also prohibited under Labor Code Section 1102.5 (b).

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