Chancellor's Office
Chancellor's Office
| Dave Grant
Laura Anson
| Assistant Vice Chancellor, Chancellor's Office Human Resources (for complaints filed by Chancellor's Office employees only)
Systemwide Whistleblower Administrator (for campus Whistleblower complaints or Whistleblower Retaliation complaints filed against Chancellor, President or a Vice-President)
| 562‐951‐4096
Channel Islands | MariaElena Plaza
| Associate Vice President, HR & HRO
| 805-437-8490
Chico |
Sheryl Woodward | Associate Vice President, Human Resources | 530‐898‐6771
Dominguez Hills |
Monica Ponce | AVP, Human Resources Management | 310‐243‐2283 |
East Bay |
Tom Poon | Director of Audits andCompliance, Compliance &Internal Control | 510-885‐2841
Fresno | Scott Fetterhoff | Interim Associate Vice President, HR | 559‐278‐3956 | |
Fullerton | Anne Grogan
| Interim Compliance Manager
| 657‐278‐5465
Humboldt | Alexis Collins
| Director of Payroll Services
| 707-826-4914
Long Beach
Larisa Hamada
| Assistant Vice President, Equity & Diversity
| 562‐985‐8256
Los Angeles | Sharon Li
| Senior Internal Audior
| 323‐343‐5105
Maritime | Marie Hernandez
| Chief Human Resources Auditor
| 707-654-1138
Monterey Bay |
Melanie Chavez
| Director of Employee & Labor Relations,Compliance and Leave Programs | 831‐582‐5404
Northridge |
Kristina de laVega | Associate Vice President, Human Resources | 818‐677‐2118 |
Pomona |
Joice Xiong
| Director of Internal Audit | 909‐869‐3332 |
Sacramento | Skip Bishop
| Execuive Director / Title IX Coordinator
| 916‐278‐7469 |
San Bernardino | Steven Vasquez
| Interim Associate Director of Institutional Equity & Compliance
| 909‐537-5669
San Diego | Jessica Rentto
| Associate Vice President, Business & Financial Affairs | 619‐594‐6017 |
San Francisco |
Ingrid Williams
| Sr. Associate Vice President, Human Resources | 415‐338‐1872
San Jose |
Julie Paisant | Sr. Director, Employee/Labor Relations, Retention and Talent Acquisition
| 408‐924‐2250
San Luis Obispo |
Maren Hufton | Assistant Vice President, Civil Rights & Compliance Office
| 805‐756‐6770
San Marcos | Lisa McLean
| Senior Director for Human Resources
| 760‐750‐4418
Sonoma | Erin Taylor | Director of Employee & Labor Relations
| 707-664-2212
Stanislaus | Michelle Kincanon
| Interim Vice President & Chief Officer
| 209‐667‐3006