
Facts About the CSU

​The California State University remains the nation’s preeminent university for educating students from all walks of life seeking brighter opportunities. As dynamic stewards of place for the communities they serve and as powerful pipelines for the state’s diverse and highly educated workforce, our 23 universities are essential to California’s continued vitality, leadership and global impact.

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Preparing California's Workforce

The CSU plays a critical role in providing future leaders with the skills and knowledge they’ll need to thrive in the workforce and help drive California’s economy. The CSU is the state’s greatest producer of bachelor’s degrees—awarding more than 125,000 degrees per year—and drives California’s economy in agriculture, information technology, business, hospitality, life sciences, healthcare, public administration, education, media and entertainment.

Learn About the CSU's Critical Role


The CSU is goverened by at 25-member Board of Trustees, and a chancellor serves as chief executive.

Learn About Our Leaders


In fall 2024, the CSU enrolled more than 460,000 students from diverse backgrounds.

Learn About CSU Enrollment


CSU students are largely from California, and more than half are from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds.

Who Are the CSU's Students?

Faculty and Staff

The CSU employs more than 63,000 devoted staff and talented faculty leading cutting-edge research and creative activity.

Meet Our Exceptional Faculty & Staff

Student-Focused Initiatives

The CSU aims to ensure that all students have the same opportunities to benefit from the transformative power of a CSU degree.

Reaching All Students


Students planning to enter the CSU may apply through Cal State Apply.

Learn About the Application Process

Student Costs

CSU tuition is among the lowest in the country. In 2023-24, nearly 84% of students received financial aid and over half graduated with no debt.

Learn About the Cost of the CSU

CSU Funding

The CSU's operating budget has two main funding sources: the state General Fund and student tuition and fees.

Learn How the CSU Is Funded


CSU alumni make up a global network that is over 4.3 million strong. These alumni demonstrate the power of possibility that comes with a CSU degree.

Meet Our Alumni

Research & Community Impact

Research, scholarship and creative activity touch every part of the CSU—enhancing learning and preparing students for the jobs of the future.

Explore Our Research