
COAST Student Internships Summer 2021

​​​Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 5:00 pm

Internship Webinar: Tuesday, Fe​bruary 9, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. REGISTER​

​ Want to get paid to explore the ocean, learn about ocean policy, 
or help protect marine species?  
Then apply for a COAST Summer Student Internship today!

The CSU Council on​ Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST) is offering paid internships for continuing CSU undergraduate and graduate students for Summer 2021. Interns will be placed with one of 9 host institutions where they will work side-by-side with professionals on current scientific research, policy, and resource management projects. This is an excellent opportunity for CSU students to gain valuable experience and technical skills while working with experts in marine fisheries, ecology, policy and technology!

You must submit a separate application package for EACH internship you wish to be considered for. You may apply for up to FOUR internships. 

Please click on the internship titles in the table below for individual internship descriptions.​​​​ Eligibility re​​quirements and application instructions are provided below the table.​ A list of frequently asked application questions can be found here

​​​​Internship Host​​Internship​ Title
​Location in CA​​​
​​​​​​​California Department of Fish and ​Wildlife Marine Region
​Emerging Box Crab Fish​ery (2 positions)
​Santa Barbara​

Northern California Marine Invertebrate Fisheries ​Management​ (2 positions)​​
Bodega Bay​

Southern California Marine Invertebrate Fisheries Management​ 
San Diego ​
​California Department of Fish and Wildlife Office of Spill Prevention and ​Response
Natural Resource Damage Assessment​+
​California Ocean Science Trust

​California State Lands Commission
Marine Invasive Species Program ​
Marine Invasive Species​
​Long B​each
​Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary ​
Ocean Exploration*
​Santa Barbara
​Marine Applied Research & Exploration
Marine Computer Pro​gramming​+

NOAA CoastWatch West Coast Regional Node
Ocean Satellite Data
​Santa Cruz

​​​​NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, Protected Resources Division​ ​Abalone Conservation*
​Long Beach

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, Sustainable Fisheries Division
Highly Migratory Species​*+ ​Long Beach

​Office of the National Marine Sanctuaries, ​West Coast Region
Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary​ Nomination​*+
​Seatrec, Inc. 
​​Ocean Data​ Analysis and Visualization​+

​Smithsonian Environmental Research Center​
San Francisco Bay Fouling Community Ecology​

​Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve
Bioindicator Trends and Analysis+
​Imperial Beach

*​Internship contingent upon funding

+Core internship duties may be performed by students with physical disabilities or limitations.   

General Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be continuing CSU students in good standing. Applicants must still be students during the internship (i.e., must not have graduated and must be enrolled at a CSU for Fall 2021). Undergraduate students must complete at least two full years of coursework by the end of Spring 2021 and be considered at least a Junior at the beginning of Fall 2021 (i.e., 60 semester units or 90 quarter units completed). Graduate students must be enrolled in a degree program. Both part-time and full-time students may apply.

Applicants are not required to be U.S. citizens; international students are eligible to apply. Some internships may require the ability to pass a federal background check. If a background check is not required, undocumented students may be eligible to apply.​ Please see individual descriptions for specific requirements.​

Activities and qualifications vary with each internship. Each internship has specific preferred experience and capabilities, eligibility/requirements (including coursework, skills and physical capabilities) and is based in a specific area. If selected, it is expected that the intern will be able to relocate to the specific area for the entirety of the internship. Several internships require working with data in an office setting and the core duties may be performed by students with physical disabilities or limitations while others require intense fieldwork and have extreme physical requirements such as​:

  • Carrying equipment up to 50 pounds,
  • Working in remote locations,​
  • Working out of small boats,
  • Controlling equipment and accurately and legibly recording data during harsh weather conditions.

Application Materials and Procedures
Submit your application form, resume and transcripts (compiled in that order; henceforth referred to as application package
) as ONE PDF file named ApplicantLastName_FirstName_NameOfInternship.pdf as an attachment to the Student Internship Submission Form (http://bit.ly/COAST2021-InternshipSubmi​ssion​​). The letter of recommendation must be submitted directly by a CSU faculty member. Your application package will not be complete until all materials are received. 

  • Application​ form​​​​
    • Please note that this is not the same as the Submission Form. You need to attach this Application Form to the Submission Form.
    • If you are applying to multiple internships, you will attach multiple Application Forms (along with your resume and transcripts) to the Submission Form.​
  • Professional resume (two-page maximum): For tips on resume building and example resumes, please see https://www2.calstate.edu/impact-of-the-csu/research/coast/students/Pages/resume-building.aspx.
  • Transcripts: Submit your FULL transcripts (including GPA) from ALL institutions attended (community college, undergraduate and graduate). Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. Ensure that transcript files are not protected documents. 
  • ​​Letter of recommendation:
    • ​The letter must be submitted directly by a CSU faculty member as a PDF attachment to the COAST Student Internship Letter of Recommendation Submission Form (http://bit.ly/COAS​T2021-InternLORSubmission).  Letters submitted directly by applicants will not be considered.  The letter file must be named as follows (StudentLastName_FacultyLastName_LOR.pdf).
    • The letter must be on institutional letterhead and signed by the faculty member. The letter can be addressed to CSU COAST.
    • Ideally, the letter should be submitted by a CSU faculty member who knows you well and can speak to your personality and skills. Strong letters will describe in detail why you are an ideal candidate for a specific internship. 
    • You may request an individual letter for each internship you apply to but one letter can be used for multiple internship application packages.  
    • We can only accept one letter per internship application package.  

Note: You must submit a separate application package for EACH internship you wish to be considered for. You may submit a maximum of FOUR applications. If you are submitting multiple applications, please attach all of them to a SINGLE Student Internship Submission Form (http://bit.ly/COAST2021-​InternshipSubmission).

Application Deadline: Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 5:00 pm. All materials must be submitted by this deadline.

Applicants should consult with appropriate personnel on their home campus concerning the potential impact of support provided through COAST internships on other forms of compensation already received from or through their university, including financial aid.​

A list of frequently asked application questions can be found herePlease direct all additional questions to the COAST Support Coordinator, Kimberly Jassowski ([email protected]).

T​his program is made possible with generous financial support from our host institutions. Thank you!



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