Please see below for frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our student funding programs.
Dr. Kenneth H. Coale Graduate Scholar Awards| Student Internships | Student Travel Awards
Undergraduate Student Research Support Program
Dr. Kenneth H. Coale Graduate Scholar Awards
Q: I am an international or undocumented student. Can I still apply for this program?
Applicants are not required to be U.S. citizens; international and undocumented students are eligible to apply.
Q: I am requesting all funds be sent through my Financial aid office. Do I need to submit a Departmental Commitment Form?
No. If you are requesting that the entire award be paid directly to you to help defray personal living expenses or tuition, you do NOT need to submit a Departmental Commitment Form.
Q: My advisor will be out of the country when the application is due. Can s/he submit the letter after the application deadline?
No. All materials are due by January 29, 2025, 5:00 p.m. PST Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 5:00 p.m. PST . It is your responsibility to work with your advisor ahead of time to ensure that they will be able to submit your letter of recommendation on or before the deadline.
Q: If I get an award, and have some or all of the funds go towards Financial Aid, will that impact my financial aid package?
Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with their campus financial aid office prior to applying to COAST to determine the potential impact of this award to other forms of compensation provided through their university, including financial aid. Portions of awards paid directly to students will be processed through campus financial aid offices. Please be advised that receiving and accepting a COAST award could lead to a decrease in other forms of financial assistance. Ordinarily, adjustments (if any) are made to loans first before other grants or scholarships. Award recipients should contact their campus financial aid office to determine how the award may affect their total financial aid package.
Q: When will I find out if my application was selected for funding?
All applicants will be contacted in late April 2025.
Q: If my application is selected for funding, when should I expect to be able to start spending the funds?
Barring unforeseen circumstances, award spending can begin on May 15, 2025.
Q: Does the internship include housing for the summer?
No. Housing is not offered. If relocation is needed for the summer, the $8,000 stipend is intended to help defray that cost.
Q: I am an international or undocumented student. Can I still apply for this program?
Applicants are not required to be U.S. citizens; international and undocumented students are eligible to apply. Internships may have additional eligibility requirements-please see individual descriptions for more detail.
Q: I am a Cal Poly SLO student who's spring term ends later than the start date of this program. Am I still eligible for the COAST Summer Internship?
Yes, you are still eligible if you are a Cal Poly SLO student, you will just start a couple weeks later than the other interns. Cal Poly SLO students have historically negotiated a later start-date with their internship host, if admitted into the program.
Q: Can I submit a cover letter as part of my internship application?
No. We cannot accept cover letters.
Q: Do I need to submit official transcripts?
No. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
Q: I attended community college(s) before I came to the CSU, and had some of those credits transferred. Is my CSU transcript sufficient?
No. We need transcripts including GPA from all institutions you have attended (ALL community college, undergraduate and graduate).
Q: I’m a graduate student. Do I need to submit transcripts from my undergraduate institution?
Yes. We need transcripts including GPA from all institutions you have attended (ALL community college, undergraduate and graduate).
Q: I am graduating before the internship starts. Can I still be selected for a COAST internship?
No. Only continuing CSU students can participate in the COAST internship program. A continuing student meets all of the following criteria:
1. Is enrolled as a matriculated student at a CSU campus during the spring term preceding the internship;
2. Enrollment has not been interrupted; and
3. Is registered, or is expected to register, for the succeeding fall term at the same institution at the same program level. If you are selected for an internship, we will ask for proof of fall enrollment.
Q: I am an undergraduate that is graduating before the internship starts, but I will be attending Graduate school at a CSU in Fall 2024. Can I still be selected for a COAST internship?
No. Please see the previous answer above.
Q: When will I be notified if I am selected (or not selected) for an internship?
COAST will notify all applicants of their status in late April-early May.
Q: I was an intern Will I get a W-2 for my stipend?
Interns are not given W-2s. CSUMB, the organization that issues stipends, does not report stipend payments to the IRS and will not issue interns any documentation related to the payments. However, stipend payments may be considered taxable income and interns are advised to self-report your stipend payments to the IRS if appropriate.
Still have questions? Contact the COAST Program Analyst, Kim Jassowski (
[email protected]).
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Student Travel Award
Q: I am an international or undocumented student. Can I still apply for this program?
Applicants are not required to be U.S. citizens; international and undocumented students are eligible to apply.
Q: I submitted my abstract, but it hasn’t been accepted yet. Can I apply for student travel now, or should I wait until I have received my confirmation?
You may apply for an award once you have submitted an abstract and are awaiting notification of acceptance. Please note in your application that abstract acceptance is pending. Your application will be held in the queue and won’t be complete and considered for funding until we receive evidence your abstract is accepted. So, as soon as you receive your abstract confirmation, submit it to [email protected]
Q: I worked on a project with another student and we both want to attend the conference. Can COAST support both of us if we are both listed as authors on our poster or presentation?
No. COAST can only provide funds to the presenting author.
Q: Is a Statement of Endorsement the same thing as a Letter of Recommendation?
No. A Statement of Endorsement is meant to be very brief. It only needs to confirm that the CSU faculty mentor supports the student’s planned conference presentation and the student’s application to COAST for travel funding, and that the applicant will be an enrolled CSU student or continuing CSU student during the time of travel.
Q: I am presenting at a conference or meeting after I graduate. Can COAST still support my travel?
No. Awardees must be enrolled CSU students or continuing CSU students during the time of travel. A continuing student meets the following criteria:
1. Was enrolled as a matriculated student at a CSU campus during the preceding term;
2. Enrollment has not been interrupted; and
3. Is registered, or is expected to register, for the succeeding term at the same institution at the same program level.
Q: I received a COAST Student Travel Award last year. Can I still apply?
Travel awards are limited to one award per student per academic year. Previous COAST Student Travel Award recipients are eligible to apply provided they have met the obligations of their previous award, however preference will be given to new applicants.
Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Q: I am an undergraduate and am very interested in applying for the program. Who should I contact about submitting an application?
These awards are administered independently at each campus. If you are interested in applying for this program, you should speak to the CSU faculty member you are working with, and your COAST campus representatives.