Virtual Research Café 10.0 Events
The Café’s aim is to help foster research collaborations across the CSU system and catalyze the submission of intercampus proposals. Each café involves three 10-minute faculty research and ideas for future work presentations. Q&A takes place during the virtual mixer following the presentations.
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (February 16, 2022)
Dr. Carlos Rojas
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
San Jose State University
Presentation Topic:
Analyzing 3D Genomic Structures
Dr. Virginia Isava
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology Education
Cal State Fullerton
Presentation Topic:
Helping Geoscience Undergraduates Think like Experts
Dr. Jamie Booth
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Presentation Topic:
Bioinspired Solutions to Resist Facture in Engineering Materials and Interfaces
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (March 16, 2022)
Dr. Nadia Korovina
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chico State
Presentation Topic:
Epistemologies of Mathematics
Dr. Brian Katz
Assistant Professor
Department of Math & Statistics
Cal State Long Beach
Presentation Topic:
Epistemologies of Mathematics
Dr. Alexandra Chakarov
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Science Education
San Jose State
Presentation Topic:
Creating Relevant, Interdisciplinary Computer Science Curriculum
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (April 13, 2022)
Dr. Ava Hedayatipour
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Cal State Long Beach
Presentation Topic:
Wearables of Tomorrow
Dr. Jason Burke
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Cal State San Bernardino
Presentation Topic:
Understanding the Biochemistry of How Cancer-Associated Mutations Work in Cancer
Dr. Jaclyn Baughman
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology
Cal Poly Humboldt
Presentation Topic:
Creating Equitable, Accessible, and Impactful Geoscience Field Experiences Using Virtual Reality
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (May 18, 2022)
Dr. Samantha Leigh
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Cal State Dominguez Hills
Presentation Topic:
You are what You Eat: Nutritional Physiology in a Changing Marine Environment
Dr. Joyce Pham
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Cal State San Bernardino
Presentation Topic:
Extended Solids: Experiment & Computation in Synergy
Dr. Long Wang
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Presentation Topic:
Sensing Nanocomposites for Structures and Human
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (June 15, 2022)
Dr. Jeyoung Woo
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Cal Poly Pomona
Presentation Topic:
Do It Right the First Time – Transfer Pathway Program & Quality Management Practice
Dr. Divya Sitaraman
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Cal State East Bay
Presentation Topic:
Sleep, Unpredictability and Behavioral Choice: You Are Not the Only One with Problems
Dr. Gerald Cobian
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Chico State
Presentation Topic:
Foliar Fungal Endophytes as Early Colonizers of Leaf Decay Communities
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (July 13, 2022)
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Cal State Fullerton
Presentation Topic:
Efficient Models for Disease Outbreak Prediction and Real-time Algorithms for Response Optimization
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
San Francisco State
Presentation Topic:
Galactic Archaeology: Unraveling the Complex Assembly Histories of Galaxies with Chemical Abundances of Stars
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Cal State LA
Presentation Topic:
Plastic waste – what can we do about it?
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (September 21, 2022)
Dr. Anna Doty
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Sacramento State
Presentation Topic:
The Physiological and Ecological Responses of Bats to Fire
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Cal Poly SLO
Presentation Topic:
Artificial Intelligence for Cooperation, Communication and
Co-creation in Games
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Cal State Fullerton
Presentation Topic:
Toward Rational Design of Materials for Sustainability
Virtual Research Café 10.0 (November 16, 2022)
Dr. Theresa Migler
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Cal Poly
Presentation Topic:
Graphs as a Guide to Research, Collaboration, and Cough Prevention
Dr. Laurie Huning
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management
Cal State Long Beach
Presentation Topic:
Water and Extreme Events in a Warming World
Dr. Lauren Cappiello
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Sacramento State
Presentation Topic:
Fun With Data: Broad Statistics Applications