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Campus Members

STEM-NET represents faculty, students, staff and programs from each of the 23 CSU cam​puses across the state.

California CSU Campus Map ​​

​​​Join the STEM-NET Community

Join the CSU STEM-NET community, the largest STEM network within the CSU system consisting of faculty, administrators, staff, students and community partners. A focus of STEM-NET is to build multicampus synergism in STEM to foster the implementation of best practices in pedagogy, learning and research thereby developing a highly-trained California workforce in STEM disciplines.

The STEM-NET community is built on innovators, dreamers, and problem solvers who are creating tangible solutions to California’s most pressing issues and who are dedicated and focused on preparing future leaders in STEM fields.

Join the STEM-NET community, where you will:

  • Network and develop collaboration opportunities
  • Find support and mentorship for research ideas and grant processes
  • Share information concerning grants, funding opportunities and conferences
  • Become a member of the STEM-NET listserv where you will receive announcements in regard to grants, funding opportunities, webcast, events, conferences and much more
  • Receive volunteer opportunities to get involved in STEM-NET research projects

Join today and connect with other members of the STEM-NET community. Join our CSU STEM-NET listserv​ or by submitting your contact information below.



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