CSU-WATER & SCCWRP Workshop on Water Resources Economics

​CSU-WATER and SCCWRP are developing white papers to identify knowledge gaps & research needs on and water resources economics.

October 27, 2022  |  10:00am – 3:00pm  |  Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (In-person only)

CSU-WATER​​ and SCCWRP (Southern California Coastal Water Research Project)​  ​co-hosted a one-day workshop to develop ideas and collaboration around water quality and water resources economics. The event aimed to develop a partnership between SCCWRP’s applied water quality management research and CSU’s expertise in water resource economics.

SCCWRP research focuses on developing the science to inform water quality management decisions and working with SCCWRP’s 14 member agencies to transition that science into policy and application. However, full implementation of the resulting policies often requires consideration of economic and social factors that are outside of SCCWRP’s research expertise. The partnership creates innovative cross-disciplinary research opportunities for SCCWRP and CSU-WATER that informs policy and management decisions and provides exciting opportunities for CSU faculty and student engagement.

The one-day workshop fostered discussions around three potential research topics (click on the following links to learn more about each):

Each research topic was presented by a SCCWRP scientist who facilitated discussions aimed at developing joint CSU-SCCWRP projects. This will produce a short research prospectus for each topic that can be used to pursue funding to conduct the research. Over the long term, we hope this fosters continued and ongoing collaboration between SCCWRP and the CSU-WATER network.