
About Us

CSU-WATER seeks to achieve a long-term, sustainable water supply for California through education, research and policy development by harnessing the resources and leadership from within the 23 CSU campuses. We foster academic preparation, applied research and policy development that address all aspects of water use. CSU-WATER serves to focus synergistically with the CSU’s many centers and programs of excellence on water issues.

Key Goals

  • To develop academic and community partnerships to create public awareness and broad support to address water issues
  • To increase and support CSU research and external funding through multi-campus collaborations
  • ​To promote CSU awareness of resources to support student water-related career opportunities

Publications & Reports

Find Annual Reports and other publications on water-related
​ work from faculty and staff across the CSU.

See Publications

Governance Structure

Learn about the leadership and advisory board that governs our organization.

Learn About Governance

Water Experts

Discover the wide-ranging water-related experience and knowledge of the faculty and staff across the CSU.

See a List of Our Experts

Meet CSU-WATER's Leadership Team

Steve Blumenshine  
Executive Director
California State University, Fresno

Dr. Blumenshine is the Executive Director of CSU-WATER, moving from the Directing the Research & Education Division of the California Water Institute at Fresno State University. CSU-WATER (Water Advocacy for Education and Research) is a rebranding of the WRPI Affinity Group. CSU-WATER develops and strengthens water research and scholarships in the CSU in collaboration with external partners and other water stakeholders. These efforts focus on critical impacts of stressed water resources on agricultural, urban, and environmental water allocations. Blumenshine’s International water research experience includes two U.S. Fulbright Awards, and engagement in China, Germany, Israel, Switzerland, Thailand, Australia, and Spain.

Jennifer Alford  
Associate Director of Research
California State University,
San Bernardino

Dr. Jennifer Alford is the Associate Director of Research for CSU WATER, as well as an Associate Professor and Chair of Geography and Environmental Studies at CSU San Bernardino. Her research, teaching and service interests focus on water issues related to quality, quantity and ensuring water equity across disadvantaged and Tribal communities. In her role with CSU WATER, Dr. Alford supports the Executive Director with establishing and sustaining programs that bridge research activities across student-faculty-community engagement to resolve diverse water resource issues.

Laura Ramos  

Laura Ramos
Associate Director,
California State UniversityFresno

Laura Ramos is the Associate Director of Research and Education of the California Water Institute at California State University, Fresno, managing multiple programs and overseeing marketing and operations. Her primary duty is to elevate the water IQ of the community by engaging stakeholders throughout the San Joaquin Valley -- including Fresno State faculty, staff, students, and researchers -- in the pursuit of sustainable water resource management solutions for California’s agriculture, urban, environment, and disadvantaged community interests.

She has been part of the Fresno State water initiatives since 2001 and some of her most recent projects include a feasibility study to consolidate small water systems, stakeholder engagements for water infrastructure needs in the Valley and presenting and developing educational material to engage communities, including a campus wide water book club.