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Conference Booklet
California State University Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology - Dr. Krista Kamer
Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects (ECCLPs) - Tamara Wallace, Heather Clark, and Kelley Le
Establishing a Baseline for Contaminant Trends in California Reservoirs Castaic Lake & Pyramid Lake Los Angeles County - Scott F. Jedrusiak
Affective soil: Using agroecology to improve our relationship with soil - Gabriel R. Valle
Predictive Modeling for Soil Moisture Availability and Plant Water-use in the East River Catchment, Colorado - Raymond Hess
Sand Mobility in a Regulated Riffle-pool Gravel Bed River - Trent Sherman & Erin Bray
Field Observations of Transient Stream Drawdown Response to Groundwater Pumping - Bwalya Malama
Machine Learning Based Control System Design for BSM1 Wastewater Treatment Plant - Yu Yang & Chengyan Ye
Airborne LiDAR System for Urban Stream Management - Connor Rudmann
Investigating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon transport in natural systems - Cathay Trejo
Growing Winter Cover Crops in a Mediterranean Climate: Simulations of Water Use and Deep Percolation with Soil and Weather Data in California Across Wet and Dry Years - Nathaniel A. Bogie, Raymond Hess, Nick Riqueros
Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento - Brian Currier
Student Involvement @ Office of Water Programs - Christian Carleton
Water & Energy Technology Incubator - Eric Hadden
Institute for Watershed Resiliency - Dr. Jennifer Alford
California Energy Research Center - Liaosha Song
Blue Gold Mitigating the Effects of Water Scarcity - Matthew Weingarten
SOURCE (Student Outreach Unit for Research & Career Education) - Raymond Hess
Advanced Water Conservation Strategies at California State University Northridge - Rachel Singleton & Aspen Coty
Terrestrial-aquatic connections: Plastic distribution, degradation, and impacts on macroinvertebrate communities - Rae McNeish
Terrestrial-Aquatic Connections: Invasive Ailanthus altissima leaf decomposition in freshwater ecosystems and impacts on macroinvertebrate communities - Jonathan Juarez
Effects of Asparagopsis Taxiformis on Manure Management Systems - Tommie Post
Southern California Regional Energy Network - Michelle Bunn & Amanda Hassan
Seeding Youth Opportunity - Fahad Qurashi
Development of platform for novel molecular method for detection of Coxsackievirus B3 in recycled water - Leila Khatib
Hydrologic Response of Meadow Restoration Following the Removal of Encroached Conifers - Oriana Ramirez
Hydrological Analysis of Post-Fire Responses within the Little Creek Watershed of Swanton Pacific Ranch - Alex Wiens
CBM Consulting - Kathryn Boren
Reservoir Operations Impacts on Socioeconomic Drought in Regulated Basins - Ali Mehran
Evaluating Sources of Bioaccumulative Mercury in Southern California Reservoirs: Castaic Lake, Los Angeles County - Greg Jesmok
Opening Remarks 4/19/24 - Steve Blumenshine
CSU Programs - Steve Blumenshine
Opening Remarks 4/18/24 - Steve Blumenshine
SCCWRP - Steve Blumenshine
Investigating the Critical Shallow Vadose Zone: Modeling Water Flow Characteristics and Nitrate Transport with HYDRUS-1D Using Tensiometers - Anita Cervantes
Advancing Safe Drinking Water - Brian Currier
Monitoring Water Quality Near Homeless Encampments on Santa Rosa Creek - Jacquelyn Guilford
Hydrology and Nutrient Dynamics in Restored Wetlands of California’s Central Valley - Sharon Kahara
Evaluation of infiltration testing methods for design of stormwater drywell systems - Ehsan Khodayaridarviti
Engineering and Testing of a Novel Composite for the Remediation of Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals - Jaden Luna
Unlocking Water Demand Patterns and Outdoor Consumption Insights for Targeted Conservation Strategies - Alfaro Maldonado
Landscape features impact microplastic and nutrient patterns during wet deposition events via stormwater runoff - Emily Pantoja
Evaluating long-term land subsidence sustainability goals set by SGMA in the Central Valley, California, USA (2020-2070) - Logan Platt
2023 CSU-WATER Conference on April 13 & 14, 2023, at CSU-Monterey Bay.
This year’s conference theme is Our WATER’s Future: Challenges and Next Steps. Presentations will cover topics such as water contaminants, water quality due to climate change, and social and environmental justice.
The CSU-WATER Conference is for CSU faculty and students to come together to talk about our state’s most pressing water issues and present actionable steps to create a more resilient water future.
01 Comparing Measured and Predicted Phosphorus Levels in The
02 Development of A Smart Water Pre-Treatment System for Controlled
04 Production of Agricultural Water and Nutrients from Saline Water Sources
05 The De Aging of Water Resources in The Northern Sierra
06 Rethinking the Future of Dairy Wastewater at The Water Energy Nexus Steam
07 Agricultural Runoff in The San Joaquin Valley Creates Drinking Water Crisis for Socially Vulnerable Communities
08 Amending Fertilizers with Carbon Nanoparticles
09 Analysis of Water Quality Near Areas of Homeless Activity
10 Assessment of Water Resources for Southern California What's The Prospects for Communities
11 Cropmanage Application Supports Agricultural Water Resiliency in The Salinas Valley
12 Identification and Quantification Of ∙Oh Formation Potential in Constructed
13 Intergenerational Democracy for Sustainable Water Allocation
14 Investigating the Capabilities of Fluorescence Spectroscopy
16 Shallow Subsurface Artificial Groundwater Recharge (Ssagr)
17 The Impacts of Groundwater Pumping from The Cannabis Industry on Streamflow
19 Using Smart Meters to Improve the Management of Water Distribution System
20 Experiential Learning Through the Big Chico Creek Watershed Tour
21 Community Engaged Research Latinx Student Engagement in A Study of Water
Root Holes To Water Conduits Investigating Recharge Potential with Agricultural Management at The University Farm in Chico, Ca
A Numerical Model Analysis of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento San Joaquin Delta
Characterization of stormwater debris model
Evaluating the Relative Benefits of Water Reuse, Recycling, and Environmental Flows
Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management and Precision Agriculture
Future Groundwater Depletion May Exceed Long-Term Sustainability Goals set by SGMA in the Central Valley, California, USA (2020 –2070)
Identifying Areas at Risk from Sea Level Rise-Induced Groundwater Contamination in Coastal California
Introduction to the CA Water Boards & the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program
Is flood risk in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta increasing
Modeling the photochemical
Optimal Planning and Design of Seawater
Sediment Delivery to Freshwater Ecosystems Following Wildfire
Simulated leaching and photodegradation of tire tread particle-derived compounds in natural water
Testing and remediating lead concentrations in drinking water
Understanding Coastal Flooding in The San Francisco Bay Delta how Can Modelling Help
Water Markets and Drought Resilience post-SGMA
What is SCCWRP
M1W and PWM Briefing and Tour
Tour Agenda
Tour Contacts
The 13th Annual Conference, “Water Connects: Justice, Resilience, and Innovation,” was held on April 7 at CSUN.
Conference Photos
Water Connects Regan Maas Jennifer Alford
Developing Lithium Valley: Hydrosocial Dynamics and the Importance of Community Engagement for a Just Transition Alexa Buss Dr. James J.A. Blair
Groundwater Markets, Drinking Water Racial Inequities, and Climate Change Resiliency in California’s Central Valley Erick Orellana
Water Resilience for Southern California Liz Crosson
Improving Surface Water Datasets for California: Benefits for Water Resource Management Joel Osuna-Williams
Assessing the Influence of El Niño on the California Precipitation Regime During the Satellite Precipitation Era. Digant Chavda
Selective Removal of Toxic and Valuable Ions: Tuning the Same-Charge Ion Selectivity of Ion Exchange Membranes by the Smart Design of Polymer Composites Meng Shen
Understanding the Presence of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the San Francisco Bay Area Katherine Cushing
Water Sustainability Using the Pond-In-Pond Treatment System with Reuse Kushal Adhikari
Analysis of Phosphorus Load in Sediment Collected From the Laguna de Santa Rosa Watershed Ellyse Cappellano
Biological Degradation Of Vinyl Chloride Under The Extreme Environment Of High Saline Concentrations Monica Robles
Improving Agricultural Water Sustainability and Resilience Using Agricultural-Waste-Derived Soil Amendments Hugo Cortes Lopez
Microbial Populations Shift During Mesophilic and Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion- Phase 1: Biological Hydrogen Gas Production from Lab-Scale Batch Anaerobic Digester using Various Substrates Leanne Deocampo
Environmental Inequalities, Social Disadvantages, and Lead Contamination Rasha Naseif
San Joaquin Valley Water Collaborative Action Program Elijah Banda
Treatment of Contaminated Water using Recycled Plastics Antonio Arreguin
Use of Drone to Detect Distribution of the Invasive Plant Ludwigia in the Laguna de Santa Rosa Robbie Bisordi
Take a look at our presentation topics to better understand our 2022 WRPI Conference theme: Water Connects! Justice, Resilience, and Innovation!
Please submit your Abstract and Title to the committee by 5:00 pm on February 11, 2022.
As water connects, we encourage all proposals to be interdisciplinary and/or intersectional. Topics include (but are not limited to):
Justice in Water Policy Initiatives and Regulations “Access to clean, safe, and affordable water for drinking and sanitation is a fundamental human right essential for a healthy population, environment, and economy. Many communities, particularly those of low-income and communities of color are under-served. Unlike other groups, these communities lack access to safe, affordable water for drinking, subsistence, cultural, and/or recreational uses. Water justice will only be achieved when inclusive, community-based forms of water management are developed and we address the health and environmental burdens low-income communities and communities of color bear." (Adapted from Topics for this category should include inclusive water management efforts that work to address the water inequalities and injustices. Especially for the under-served communities such as low-income and communities of color.
Water Sustainability and Resilience “California faces a range of water challenges, some long-standing, others related to the increasingly warm climate. These challenges include unsafe and undependable drinking water supplies, major flood risks, severely depleted groundwater supplies, and the threat of extinction to native fish species. No single fix can ameliorate these stubborn challenges, prepare us for climate change, and protect our natural environment. In his April 2019 Executive Order calling for the Water Resilience Portfolio, Governor Newsom noted that providing clean, dependable water supplies to communities, agriculture, and industry while restoring and maintaining the health of watersheds will require collaborative strategies between government, sovereign tribes, local communities, water agencies, irrigation districts, environmental conservationists, academia, business and labor leaders, and other stakeholders."
Topics for this category should provide collaborative strategies to restoring and maintaining the health of our water while combating a range of water challenges related to climate change.
Innovation and Technology (applied to water) “Innovation" (adapted from EPA Water Research Grants Call for Proposals): Work that provides insight on the engineering and science necessary to develop sustainable solutions to 21st century water resource problems, ensuring water quality and availability in order to protect human and ecosystem health.
Topics for this category may include innovative, new processes or technology related to water including water treatment, distribution efficiency, infrastructure, etc
Water Resource Management and/or Engineering “Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) is a collaborative effort to identify and implement water management solutions on a regional scale that increase regional self-reliance, reduce conflict, and manage water to concurrently achieve social, environmental, and economic objectives.This approach delivers higher value for investments by considering all interests, providing multiple benefits, and working across jurisdictional boundaries. Examples of multiple benefits include improved water quality, better flood management, restored and enhanced ecosystems, and more reliable surface and groundwater supplies."
Topics for this category should include collaborative engineering efforts and approaches to identify and implement water management solutions.
Presentations - Team or individual proposals accepted from faculty, staff and/or students. Presentations will be a max of 15 minutes and might be in the form of panels, lightning talks, and/or PechaKucha Posters - Team or individual proposals accepted from faculty, staff and/or students..
Please submit your Abstract and Title to the committee by 5:00 pm on February 11, 2022. Selections will be made by the WRPI Conference Planning Committee based upon desired topics, flow of content, educational value, and understanding of the content. All selected content will be published in conference publications and on WRPI's website.
Questions, concerns, or comments should be directed to [email protected].The WRPI reserves the right to decline a submission for presentation at the 2022 WRPI Annual Conference.