2021 Conference Presentations
"Comprehensive Impact of Water Quality: Past Present and Future"
Conference Packet
Day 1 Panelist Speakers
Opening Session
Indigenous Perspectives on Water:
Moderator: Boykin Witherspoon
Water Quality Effects on Humans, and Possible Solutions Moderator: Sarge Green
Day 2 Panelist Speakers
Opening Session and Water Quantity and Quality Effects on Agriculture Panel
Moderator: Arlene Haffa
Water Quality Effects on the Environment
Moderator: Joel Shinneman
The Future of Water Quality and its Potential Risks Moderator: Eileen Cashman
9,000 Years of Paleohydrological History Inferred Using Lacustrine Sediments from Maddox Lake, CA
Summary |
Assessing Greywater Systems, Greywater Quality Parameters, in Santa Clara County, California
Summary |
Assessment of the Water Quality Health of Martin Slough and Jacoby Creek in Humboldt County for Habitat Suitability for Salmonids
Summary |
Poster |
Development of a Field-Applicable Water Disinfection System from Agricultural By-Products
Summary |
Evidence for a Large Middle Holocene Flood Event in the Pacific Southwestern United States (Lake Elsinore, California)
Summary |
Evolving Headwater Stream Resiliency: Modeling Surface Water Trends Across the San Bernardino National Forest to Support Sustainable Water Resources Management
Summary |
Poster |
Microplastics Removal in Water using Coagulation and Flocculation
Summary |
Reliability of Large Rainwater Tanks in Semi-Arid Climate
Summary |
Toxic Water Emissions and Economic Growth: A County Level Analysis of the United States
Summary |
Poster |
Water Quality Monitoring to Assess the Effectiveness of Restoration Activities in the Salmon Creek Watershed
Summary |
Poster |
Younger Dryas to Early Holocene (12.9 and 8.1 ka) Limnological and Hydrological Change at Barley Lake, California (Northern California Coast Range)
Summary |
Sustainable Water Infrastructure; The Oroville Spillway Construction Overview; John Yarbrough, Department of Water Resources
Tackling Technical and Policy Aspects of Groundwater Sustainability in Butte County Subbasins; Christina Buck, Butte County Water and Resource Conservation
Agricultural Water Transfers in Northern California and Implications for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Storage; Steffen Mehl, Chico State
Evaluating and Enhancing Groundwater Recharge in the Sacramento Area; Amelia Vankeuren, Sacramento State
A Sustainable Water Future for California: Communicating to the Public Media; Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Bowles, Water Education Foundation
Policy Priorities for California’s Water Management; Alvar Escriva-Bou, Public Policy Institute of California
Addressing Aging Infrastructure by Improving Drinking Water Distribution and Sewer Collection Systems in Portola, CA; Pablo K. Cornejo, Chico State
CAPTURE Guidance for Schools, California Practices to use Runoff Effectively; Brian Currier, Sacramento State
Camp Fire - Lessons Learned and Success Stories; Calli-Jane DeAnda, Butte County Fire Safe Council
The Effects of Fire Retardants in Mediterranean Aquatic Ecosystems; Jamie Kneitel, Sacramento State
Burning for Salmon; Don Hankins, Chico State
Characterizing Watershed Contamination Following the Camp Fire; Jackson Webster, Chico State
Getting Funded by the CSU Agriculture Research Institute; David Still, Director of the CSU Agricultural Research Institute
Student Posters:
Groundwater Sustainability
Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) Stormwater Facilities in an Urban Retrofit Scenario: A Case Study at Davis Manor, John Hetzel, Staff/Graduate Student, Stanislaus State
Improving Water Management through Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Agricultural Canals, James Norris, Graduate Student, Chico State
Using Stable Isotopes to Determine Water Sources in San Diego County’s Dry Season Flows, Hannah Carney, Undergraduate Student, San Diego State University
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Assessments in Santa Clara County, CA: an In-situ Analysis of Select Bioretention Projects, Laura Bates, Graduate Student, San Jose State University
Autonomous Air Quality and Water Vapor Density Detection Via QuadcopterSurface Water Quality of Waterman Creek. A Headwater Tributary of the Upper Santa Ana River Basin, Doney Peters, Undergraduate Student, CSU Bakersfield
Policy Institutional Research
Rainwater Harvesting at California State University Long Beach, Marvie Baconawa, Undergraduate Student, Cal State Long Beach
Assessing Cost Feasibility of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Portola, California, Uriel Dominguez, Andres Ramirez, Aurora Diaz; Undergraduate Students, Chico State
Adapting Los Angeles Water Management for the 21st Century, Erik Porse, Staff, Sacramento State
Development and Application of the California Groundwater Risk Index, Khalil Lezzaik, Staff, Sacramento State
2018 Conference Presentations
"Changing the Path of Waterways: The Unforeseen Consequences"
Conference Booklet
Conference Photos
Breaking Point Video Presentation
Breaking Point Video Trailer
CSU Faculty Presentations
Conference 2018- WRI; Suzie Earp
Establishing Environmental Flows for California Streams; Eric Stein- Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
CVWD Drinking Water Consolidation Projects- An Overview of Current Activities and Challenges
Changing Waterways; Stuart Strum-Water Resources Planner
A Very Brief History of the Salton Sea;Suzie Earp- WRI Archivist
Setting Flow Targets to Maintain Ecological Health in the Face of Flow Alteration; Rafael Mazor- Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Temperance Flat and Proposition 1 Funding; Sarge Green- Interim Director- California Water Institute
Historic Steps to Revitalize the Salton Sea; Phil Rosentrater- Salton Sea Authority
The Impacts of Changing Waterways on Individuals Experiencing Homelessness; Regina Guerre- CSUSB Student
Student Posters
Investigations of Carbon and Water Fluxes in a Sierra Nevada Meadow
Bioretention Cells: A Way to Improve Storm Water Quality and a Solution for Flood Prevention
An Evaluation of Bacterial Pesticide Reduction Capabilities Facilitated by Wood Chip Bioreactors
Influence of Temperature on Denitrification of Mesophilic Bacterial Communities In Woodchip Bioreactors
Nitrate in California Groundwater Isotopic Composition and Spatial Denitrification Trends
Multi-Tracer Characterization of Wildcat Creek in the Berkley Hills
2017 Conference Presentations
"Water Management in a Changing Climate"
Conference Booklet
Conference Photos
Dry Run Video Presentation
Run Dry (videos), Kristine Diekman
Climate Change
California Water: What Can We See From Space?, Michael Gunson
Atmospheric Rivers and the Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations Concept, Marty Ralph
The U.S. Climate Explorer: Increasing Access to Climate Data for Climate Resilience Planning, Forrest Melton
Water Management
Turbulence and Leadership in California's Dynamic Hydrology, Jennifer Morales
Water Supply Portfolio Expansion through Advanced Water Treatment, Saied Delagah
Water Management in a Changing Climate: Recycling and Reuse, Hossein Ashktorab
CSU Faculty Presentations
Climate Change Effects on Recharge in Headwater Catchments, Jean E. Moran
Capturing Storm Water in Semi-arid Climate, Rebeka Sultana and Nathan Summerville
Decentralized Renewable Off-grid Water Treatment (DROWT), Ali Sharbat
Retrofitting Sacramento State Campus with Low Impact Development Stormwater Control Measure: A Local Project with Regional Intent, Kevin Murphy and Joel Shinneman
ARI Funding Opportunities at the Water/Agricultural Interface, David Still
State Water Board DAC Grants Update, Boykin Witherspoon, Roger Shintaku, and Debbie Whaley
Student Posters
Evaluation Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels in Sediments Deposited in the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Anais Bucio, Jordan DeSilva, Micah Glim, Maya Hoholick, Kevin Locke, Judy Mei, Mimi Peterson, Ashleen Rai, Shawnee Reynoso, Emily Rosa, Pechsamnang San, Jessica Swenson, Jackie Guilford
Post-Soberanes Fire Water Quality Monitoring of the Big Sur and Carmel River Watersheds, Mikaela Bogdan and John Silveus
Measuring Streamflow with Engineered Structures in Oakland's Sausal Creek Watershed, Daniella Cazares
Landscape Water Use Modeling for California State University Campuses, Nikolas Adler and Danielle De Mello
2016 Conference Presentations
"Big Water Projects, Innovation, and the New Reality"
Conference Booklet
Conference Photos
State Water Projects
Salton Sea Management Program, Kent Nelson
Protecting the Delta as Place: Levees, Human History, Fish, and Public Policy
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Retrieving History and Building Public Support for a Threatened Region, Philip Garone
Protecting the Delta as Place, Blake Roberts
The Levee Project, Horacio Ferriz and Stacey Galbreath
Challenges to the San Joaquin River Restoration Program in Times of Drought, Steve Blumenshine and Taylor Spaulding
Industry/Agency and Innovation
Real-time Water Quality Data Driving Smart Decisions, Rick Bacon
ABR Process Development, Derek Stephens
Non-Revenue Water or Wasted Money & Water?, Andrew Yeghnazar
Integrating Storm Water Practice with Coastal Restoration, Steve Gruber
Drought and Climate Change
Campus Evapotranspiration Modeling Compared to Actual Water Consumption, Boykin Witherspoon
Campus Water Management in a Changing Climate, Kyle Mann
Managing Water During Times of Drought, Tanisha-Jean Martin
CSU Faculty Presentations
The Great Crisis: The Climatic and Political Dimensions of the 1058-1072CE Famine in Medieval Cairo, Rachel Howes
Using Biological Indicators to Assess Water Quality of Freshwater Streams, Dessie Underwood
Water Sales During Droughts: Evidence from Farm-Level Data in California, Anita M. Chaudhry
Gray Water Reuse in Sustainable Urban Agriculture, Maryam Shafhi
Field Trip Presentation
NSF Proposal Writing Strategies
Student Posters
Carmel River Reroute and San Clemente Dam Removal Monitoring Update, Chow K, Luna L, Smith D, MacCarter L, Fields J
Combating Global Water Poverty, Steven Kerns
Development of a Hybrid Anaerobic Digestion-Microbial Fuel Cell System for Trating Winery Wastewater, Gabriel Sacher, John Kozlowski, Elianna Sternfeld, David W. Simpson, Igor Goryanin, Michael Cohen
Geophysical Investigation of Flood Control Levees in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, CA, Horacio Ferriz, Resham Sandu, Ashley Loogman, Stacey Galbreath
Treatment of Produced Water Using Chemical Coagulation + Flotation and Electro-Oxidation, Marcoantonio Salazar, Jay Lasater, Juan Esquivel, Fernando Ceja, Kenny Berlett, An Shi, Nick Eckleberry, Luis Cabrales
Wastewater Treatment for Irrigation Purposes Using Electrochemical Coagulation, Jenna Bunag, Sergio O. Pinedo, Catalina Rivera, Gilbert Esparza, Dr. Luis Cabrales, Nick Eckelberry, An Shi
2015 Conference Presentations
“Three Years into the Drought: Assessing California’s Agriculture"
Conference Agenda
Conference Program
Conference Photos
CSU Faculty Presentations
Application of Microbial Fuel Cells for Recycling Distillery and Winery Wastewaters, Michael Cohen
Water Transfers from Agriculture: Estimating the Impact of Foregone Production and Aquifer Decline in Northern California, Eric Houk, Steffen Mehl
A Primary Look at Regional Water Use and Residential Water Consumption in the California San Joaquin Valley, Chih-Hao Wang
Drought Study Photographs, Neil Chowdhury
Impact of Drought on the Central Valley's Agriculture and Energy Usage, Fayzul Pasha
Water Wise Farming: San Diego Case Study, Valerie J. Mellano
Switching to Almonds- Jes Therkelsen
East Porterville- Jes Therkelsen
Agency Presentations
Bay Delta Conservation Plan, Chuck Gardner
Bay Delta Panel Presentation, James Beck
California's Bay-Delta, Curt Schmutte
Guest Speaker
Charles Fishman
Effects On Watershed Function With Changes In Plant Functional Groups Across Impaired Watersheds On The Angeles National Forest Roxana Coreas, Jose Gonzalez, Whitney Collinsworth, and Jennifer Hooper
Landscape Genetic Analysis and Population Structure of Three Sympatric Amphibians in Managed Redwood Forest of Northwestern CaliforniaCindy Castaneda and Dr. Andres Aguilar
Development of a Mass Balance Model – Case StudyJurancco Liao and Fayzul Pasha
Los Angeles Water Resources: Monitoring Streamflow Regimes using NASA Sensor Data to Aid Classification-Based Decision Making for Stream water Management in Los Angeles County, Gwen Miller, Rosemary Wrigley, Montana Marshall, Claudia Knudson
Student Presentation
Water Audit at California State University, Bakersfield, Gurleen Kaur, Lilian Rubi
2014 Conference Presentations
"Water resiliency: an integrated approach from the top of the watershed to the tap and beyond”
Conference Agenda
Conference Program
Conference Photos
Keynote Address
Delivering Water Supply in the 21st Century: Water Utility Trends and Challenges, Ed Means, Means Consulting LLC
CSU Faculty Presentations
To San Diego's Tap: Water Wars and the Life and Death of the Salton Sea, Richard Gersberg, San Diego State University
Crop Productivity Indexing Tool Using ArcGIS,Shiko Njuno, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Agency Presentations
Direct Potable Reuse: Current Projects and Activities, George Tchobanoglous, Professor Emeritus UC Davis
Integrated Regional Water Plans and Disadvantaged Communities, Bridging the Gap, Lance Eckhart, Mojave Water Agency
California Water - Managing Under an Uncertain Future, Rich Juricich and Lewis Moeller, Department of Water Resources
Annual Impact of Climate Change in Upper Merced Basin, CA,Rebeka Sultana and Molan Choi
Big Tujunga Canyon Restoration Project,Lauren Zameito, E. Belden, and Kevin O'Donnell
California Basin Plan Mapping Project,Sabrina Esquivel, Danielle Bram, and Joel Osuna
Connecting Professional Practice and Education through a Civil Engineering Capstone: Mud Flow Barrier
Developing Crop Coefficients for Processing Tomatoes under Subsurface Drip Irrigation, Bardia Dehghanmanshadi, Florence Cassel, and Dave Goorahoo
Elkhorn Slough Estuary 2013 Water Quality Report Card,Laura Mercado
Establishing Whodunit: Application of Molecular Markers for Fecal Source Tracking,Dipali Vasadia, Mami Kainuma and Spring 2014 BIOL 338 class, Supervisor: Michael Cohen
Influence of Nutrient Levels onEnterococcusspp.'s Growth at the Inner Cabrillo Beach, Port of Los Angeles,Michael Becerra, Vivian Tang, Andrew Jirik, and Pitiporn Asvapathanagul
Nitrogen Effects on Mycorrhizae Colonization in a California Native Grass and Invasive Grass,Rari Marks and Erin Questad
Phosphorus Removal in Bioretention with Engineered Soils for Safe and Sustainable Water,Clint Gregory
Remote Sensing Reveals Limited High Water Refugia for the Endangered Central California Coho Salmon,Adam H. Fleenor
Removal of Arsenic from Water Under Static-state Conditions,Jordan Finneseth and Robert N. Phalen
Sawpit Debris Dam Seismic Rehabilitation Project,Karina Estrada and Flor Hernandez
Thermal and Oxygen Dynamics at Four Urban Water Supply Reservoirs,Raymond Lee and Trent Biggs
Tijuana Historical Ecology Project Historical GLO Surveys,Marianne Jara
Underground Sources of Drinking Water in the San Joaquin Valley,Stephen Anderson, Joshua Meyer, David Kong, and Janice Gillespie
Volfe Watershed Rainfall/Run off in Southern California,Sandra Jimenez
2013 Conference Presentations
Conference Agenda
Conference Program
Conference Photos
Panel 1
Fields of Green: Integrated Planning, Seema Shah-Fairbank, Pomona
Water Conservation Auditing, Michael Lee, East Bay
Campus Stormwater Reuse and Management, Eileen M. Cashman, Humboldt
Capital Planning, Design and Construction, Len Pettis, Chancellors Office
Keynote Address
Where Do Engineers Fit into the Water Equation?, Michael R. Markus, Orange County District
Panel 2
Los Angeles River Revitalization: The Challenges of the Arroyo Seco Confluence, Meredith McKenzie, Pomona
Toward a Sierran Stream Discharge Forecast Based on Tulare Lake-Level Reconstruction,Rob Negrini, Bakersfield
The Role of Humboldt State University's Environment Resource Engineering Department in Developing and Infusing into Application A Low Cost Natural Wasterwater Treatment-Constructed Wetland, Robert Gearhheart, Humboldt
WRPI Internships, Faculty Release, and Grant Submissions, Boykin Witherspoon, San Bernardino
Discovering potential nutraceuticals in drought and salt tolerant pomegranates grown with poor quality water in Central CA- Tiziana Centofanti, Gary Bañuelos, Annabel Rodriguez, Teagan Zoldoske, Irvin Arroyo, Maribel Viveros, & Anna Allen
Removal of Arsenic from Contaminated Ground Water using a Nicaraguan Ceramic Filter- Michelle M. Saltis and Robert N. Phalen
RVR Meander to Assess Snowslide Canyon Creek- Richard Alcala, & Seema Shah-Fairbank
Groundwater-surface water interaction in Martis Valley- Elizabeth DeRubeis, Richard Bibby, Bradley Esser, & Jean Moran
Automation of Surface Renewal based micro-met systems to evaluate crop Evaporation(ET)- My Dang, Diganta Adhikari, & Patrick Barnes
Ecological Restoration Monitoring and Mapping- Ingrid Williams
Thermal and Oxygen Dynamics in Four Drinking Water Reservoirs- Raymond Lee, & Trent Biggs
Nitrate removal, flow paths, and N2O emissions in two denitrifying woodchip bioreactors: Mitigating agricultural nutrient loads in the Salinas Valley, CA- Christina David
Martis Valley Groundwater Recharge- Daniel Segal, Jean Moran, Ate Visser, Brad Esser, & Mike Singleton
Analyzing Microbial Populations in Woodchip Bioreactors- Samayyah Williams, & Monica Palomo
Hydro-Geomorphic Characteristics of the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Watersheds- Aldo Garcia, Oleta Piecuch, Michael Machado, Josh Buchanan, Augustine Avwundiogoba, & Peggy Hauselt
Sierran stream discharge forecasting based on Tulare Lake-level reconstructions- Ashleigh Blunt, Logan Prosser, Kelsey Padilla, Robert Negrini, Lindsey Medina, Kathy Randall, Emmanuel Garcia, James Wilson, John Wilson, Cristina Reyes, Martin Jimenez, Peter Wigand, Ken Adams, & Susan Zimmerman
Characterization of Urban Runoff Water Treatment Ponds in San Dieguito River Park- Shelly Lawrence, Elayna Flanders
Effect of Irrigation, Surfactant and Fertilizer Rates on Nitrate and Chlorophyll Content in Tomato Leaves - Janet Robeles, Navreet K. Mahal, Prasad Yadavali, Dave Goorahoo, & Florence Cassel S.
Evaluation of Suitable Juvenile Steelhead Trout Habitat in the Carmel River Lagoon- Julianne Rhodes
Developing Crop Coefficients for Processing Tomatoes under Subsurface Drip Irrigation- Bardia Dehghanmanshadi, Florence Cassel S., & Dave Goorahoo
Investigating the Toxicity of Silver Ions to Chronically Exposed Nitrifying Bacteria- Issa El Haddad, Kevin Csupak, & Tyler S. Radniecki
Monitoring a toxic cyanbacterial bloom in a shallow, hypereutrophhic lake on California's Central Coast- Scott Blanco, Aparna Sreenivasan, & Marc Los Huertos
Conservation and Management of the Santa Ana River Watershed; Estimating Genetic Diversity of the Santa Ana Speckled Dace- Stacey A. Nerkowski, Liana R. Greaver, Pia VanMeter, Jay VanMeter, & Anthony E. Metcalf
2012 Conference Presentations
Conference Program
Update and Overview
CSU Faculty Panel (A) Presentation
Rob Negrini(Bakersfield),Doug Smith(Monterey Bay),Jeff Thompson(San Bernardino)
CSU Faculty Panel (B) Presentation
Jean Moran(East Bay),Matt Rahn(San Diego),Juneseok Lee(San Jose)
AB 20 Update
Sue DeRosa(Sponsored Program Administration-Office of the Chancellor)
Student Posters
Effect of Organic and UAN-32 Fertilization on Bok Choy and Soil Properties
Yield, Fruit Quality and Plant Nutrition of Tomatoes Subjected to Elevated Carbon Dioxide
Effect of Irrigation, Surfactant and Fertilizer Rates on Chlorophyll Content in Tomato Leaves
Modeling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from California Cropping Systems
2011 Conference Presentations
Conference Agenda
Conference Overview
Delta Issue Panel
Jeff Mount, UC Davis Center for Watershed Science
Richard Atwater, Southern California Water Committee
Leo Winternitz, CA Nature Conservancy
DWR Master Contract
COAST Affinity Group
WRCA Update
Water Quality Issues in Disadvantaged Communities
Karl Longley, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
Greg Gearheart, State Water Resources Control Board
Rafael Maestu, State Water Resources Control Board
Karen McBride, Rural Community Assistance Corp.
SBX 7-7 Panel (Urban 20/20 plan and Ag SBX7)
Manucher Alemi, Department of Water Resources
Chris Brown, CA Urban Water Conservation Council
Mike Wade, Ag Water Management Council
Careers in Water Panel
Virginia Grebbien, Parsons Water & Infrastructure, Inc. (PDF) A.G. Kawamura, Former Secretary CDFA/Grower
2010 Conference Presentations
Conference Materials
Conference Update and Overview
Greetings from Congressman Jim Costa
Mark Cowin, Director, California Department of Water Resources
CSU/Agency Partnership: A case study - Ramzi Mohmood
Breakout Session Notes
NSF Proposal
Water Quality
Water Policy
Fish and Wildlife/Environment
2009 Conference Presentations
List of Attendees
Conference Overview
Delta Water Supply - Tim Quinn
Groundwater - Andrew Stone
FRESCA Presentation
Draft Charter Document - CSU WRPI Business Meeting
Small Group Sessions