Meet EdQ's New Data Coach

The Educator Quality Center welcomed Ginger Adams Simon to EdQ on October 1st. Ginger will be picking up where Lindsey Judd left off in supporting CSU campuses in their use of data to drive program improvement. Now that the EdQ DataView Dashboard has been introduced to CSU campuses across the state, the main focus of Ginger's work will be not only to continue to help new users become familiar with the dashboard and its latest enhancements, but to work with campus teams in better understanding their systems and how to utilize the dashboard and other data sources to drive cycles of continuous improvement. She will introduce specific mindsets, tools and approaches and help to seed new networks for improvement.

Ginger is passionate about educator quality and continuous improvement. She spent her early professional life as a teacher and school administrator prior to entering the world of education policy. In the last 18 years, she has worked at education policy centers at two universities, conducted educational research, developed policy, managed implementation efforts and led numerous large projects involving educators and education stakeholders. In 2013, Ginger joined the team at CORE Districts, serving as Director of Professional Capital. This collaborative of eight districts across California had just received a Federal Waiver from ESEA requirements and needed educational leaders to help facilitate district improvement efforts to meet waiver requirements. Over 3 years, she created and facilitated a collaborative learning environment for central administrators and others in the districts as they developed and implemented new teacher and leader evaluation systems.

In 2017-2018, as Senior Associate for FourPoint Education Partners, Ginger worked with school teams in the state of Hawaii, using improvement science and other frameworks to help school principals use data to improve outcomes for their students.

Ginger, a native of Philadelphia, received her doctorate in Education Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania. She, her husband Tony, and their son Ben moved from Philadelphia to CA in 2005 when Tony joined the staff of the MIND Institute at UC Davis. They live in Davis.

As Ginger gets going, she would love to meet you and get to know your campus programs and data coaching needs. Please feel free to reach out and say hello through email: [email protected] or phone: 916-278-4190.