CPDC Bulletins
As policies and procedures change, this information is communicated to campus staff via CPDC Bulletins. Bulletins also serve as notification of code related interpretations by the CSU to the external stakeholders as well as the CSU staff.
View the CPDC Bulletins
Design Guidelines, Standards, and Forms
Design performance and submittal requirements are provided through standards and guidelines. Guideline documents have the most administrative leeway, whereas standards are specific performance metrics with limited leeway. Any document that is posted on the CSU website at the time of the project submittal is considered to be in effect for the project.
CSU Compliance Requirements for 2022 Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards
Commissioning Campus Mechanical and Electrical Standards
Commissioning Guideline For CSU Capital Projects (.pdf, Rev. 11/28/2018)
- Control Systems Procurement Guide (.pdf, Rev. 12/12/2018)
CSU Access Compliance Design Guidelines
CSU Energy Policy
CSU Energy Metering for Utilities Management (.pdf, Rev. 10/09/2018)
CSU Feasibility Study Guide (.pdf, Rev. 09/23/2021)
CSU Indoor Lighting Guide (.pdf, Rev. 12/12/2018)
CSU Indoor Lighting Design Specifications for Task Order Construction Agreement Delivery Method (.pdf, Rev. 04/12/2021)
CSU Mechanical and Electrical Basis of Design Guidelines (.pdf, Rev. 12/07/2018)
CSU Metering Guide (.pdf, Rev. 12/12/2018)
CSU TIP Standards Fifth Edition (Telecommunication Infrastructure Planning)
Outdoor Lighting Design Guide (.pdf, Rev. 12/10/2018)
Owner’s Project Requirements
Seismic Requirements (.pdf, Rev. 02/15/24)
Guidelines for Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures (.pdf, Rev. 4/27/2018)
Procedure Manual for CSU Capital Projects - Deliverables exhibit of the Service Agreements
Utilities Infrastructure Master Plan Guideline for CSU Campuses (.pdf, Rev. 12/10/2018)
Utility Recharge Rate Computation Guide (.pdf, Rev. 12/07/2018)
Division 01 - General Requirements
CSU general requirements and administrative requirements that apply to all the other sections of the project specifications can be found in the Division 01 documents.
Depending on the size of the project, all sections of the general requirements may not apply. Campus shall choose appropriate applicable sections for inclusion into the project specifications by design development phase of the project.
Note that Division 00, Procurement and Contracting Requirements of the contract, including the contract general conditions, supplementary general conditions for contracts, and project forms are separate from Division 01. Depending on the delivery method, the university shall tailor the Division 00 for incorporation into the specifications.
Executive Orders, Policies & Standards
Standing Executive Orders of the Board of Trustees
The following are executive orders (EO) that most pertain to Capital Outlay and Facilities Operations (ordered from most recent to oldest):
The following are
policies of the CSU as they pertain to Capital Outlay and Facilities Operations.
(CSU staff can see Board of Trustees meeting agendas prior to 2005 by visiting
Education Code 66606 - CSU Board of Trustees Authority (Construction and Development)
Roles in the Physical Development of CSU Campuses (Board of Trustees, Chancellor's Office, Campus/Campus Planning Committee, Consulting Master Plan Architect, Consulting Landscape Architect, Project Architect, Project Landscape Architect, Project Engineer), Board of Trustees Meeting, July 7-8, 1999
Schematic Plans, Board of Trustees Meeting, September 14-15, 1999, and Standing Orders
Annual January Report on Completed Capital Outlay Projects, Board of Trustees Meeting, September 14-15, 1999, and Standing Orders
Annual July Progress Report on All Capital Outlay Projects, Board of Trustees
California Environmental Quality Act
Seismic Safety
Balanced Campus Concept, Board of Trustees Meeting, September 26, 1972 and 1973
Auditoriums, Board of Trustees Meeting, July 12-13, 1988, and PPD 88-28 dated July 21, 1988
Faculty Offices, Board of Trustees Meeting, May 20-21, 1986
Roof Design of State University Buildings and Exemptions for Solar Panels and Telecommunications, FP 67-3 dated February 14, 1967; Board of Trustees Meeting, July 24-25, 1983; PPD 84-8 dated February 16, 1984 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) Refrigerants and Halons, PPD 91-37 dated June 14, 1991; PPD 91-35 dated May 24, 1991
Naming of CSU Facilities and Properties, Board of Trustees Meeting, July 7-8, 1999
Policy on Financing Activities (Enhanced Capital Management Program), Board of Trustees Meeting, March 12-13, 2002
Sustainability Policy, Board of Trustees Meeting, May 2014
State University Administrative Manual (SUAM)
Section I: Capital Outlay and Public Works Contracts (SUAM 9000-9005)
Section II: Physical Master Plan and Off-Campus Centers (SUAM 9007-9014)
Section III: Land Use Planning and Environmental Review (SUAM 9015-9020)
Section IV: Fiscal Resources for Campus Development (SUAM 9025-9041)
Section V: Measurement Devices for Physical Planning (SUAM 9045-9050)
Section VI: Standards for Campus Development Programs (SUAM 9060-9079)
Section VII: Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Procedures And Formats For Capital Outlay Submission (SUAM 9100-9121)
Section VIII: Facilities Operations and Management (SUAM 9171)
Section IX: Energy Conservation and Utilities Management (SUAM 9170)
Section X: Professional Services for Campus Development - Public Works-Related Service Agreements (SUAM 9200-9212)
Section XI: Project Plan Development for Major Construction Projects (SUAM 9230-9237)
Section XII: Construction Management (SUAM 9700-9843)