Reimagine Early Start
$5 Million
Implement effective summer programs that nurture a strong sense of belonging and establish intentional support to ensure at least 90% of first-time students successfully complete General Education A2 and B4 requirements within their first year.
2022 Supportive Pathways Application
2022 Supportive Pathways Overview
2022 Supportive Pathways Budget Template
Reengage and Reenroll Underserved Students
$1 Million
Submissions due by December 23, 2022
Advance a systemwide reenrollment campaign and establish campus retention targets continuing for the next two years. Campuses interested in submitting proposals for funding are asked to complete the application below. Please contact with additional questions.
2023 Reengagement and Reenrollment Guidelines and Application
Expand Credit Opportunities with Summer/Intersession Enrollment
$3 Million
Submissions due by December 20, 2022
Supplement enrollment of underrepresented minority and Pell Grant recipient students in intersession and summer session with the goal of closing equity gaps in credit accumulation at targeted campuses.
2023 Credit Accumulation Application
Ensure Equitable Access to Digital Degree Planners
$2 Million
Access to a digital degree planner will continue to enhance the understanding of degree requirements, course prerequisites and course sequencing to increase two- and four-year graduation rates and close equity gaps for underserved and underrepresented students. The CSU Office of the Chancellor is facilitating the procurement of a modernized, systemwide tool which will be funded in part by a $2 million allocation. Campuses will receive subsidized pricing once the tool is available.
Eliminate Administrative Barriers
$1 Million
Remove or redesign campus practices or processes that unnecessarily obstruct students’ progress toward degree. Two key administrative barriers that have emerged through campus discussion has been the speed of the transfer evaluation system (TES) and efficiency of credit for prior learning (CPL) review. TES allows streamlining and archiving of course articulations and CPL approvals. The survey below details the need for TES training across the system and how training across all 23 campuses may increase competency with and efficiency of TES.
TES Basic Certification Training Application
TES Basic Certification Survey
Coming Soon: CollegeSource Conference, San Diego 2023 >> Campus mini-grants ($2,500 per applicant) will be offered to campuses wishing to send their Articulation Officers to the CollegeSource Conference in Summer 2023. In addition to paid travel and conference costs, attendees will receive the advanced training on TES.
Coming Soon: Campus Advisor Training >> In an effort to bolster promising practices in equity, modality and continuity, virtual training/certification for all CSU advisors is under development. Led by national experts, this training will help cultivate the knowledge of CSU advisors in increasing student persistence to degree completion.
Target Critical Courses with a Focus on Equity
$3 Million
Submissions due by December 16, 2022
Identify, evaluate and address first-year and major gateway courses with a disproportionately low pass rate among underrepresented minority students.
2022 Target Critical Courses Overview
2022 Target Critical Courses Application