Award Eligibility
Tenure-track faculty, tenured faculty, and lecturers from all disciplines are eligible for the one-year CREATE award. Departments or small teams of faculty are also eligible to apply. One faculty member must be identified as principal investigator (PI). If applying as a small team, co-applicants may serve as co-investigators. Alternatively, additional faculty and staff may participate and be supported by the award budget.
Selection Criteria
Each proposal should directly address student success and focus on closing equity gaps. Recipients must demonstrate innovative teaching practices, extraordinary course design or redesign, or the development of exemplary supplemental support programs to promote student success and close equity gaps. The award recipient(s) will be those who can quantifiably contribute to increasing the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded, shorten time to degree, or reduce equity gaps by creatively expanding upon research-backed interventions.
Proposals will be evaluated on the creativity and innovation of the programming. The CREATE program is designed to implement new, groundbreaking ideas to student success and achieve equity. Proposals that simply expand normal programming or serve a small group of students are unlikely to be funded.
The main goal of the CREATE Awards Program is to facilitate sustainable change across the CSU system. Proposals will be selected based on the feasibility of scaling the program systemwide.
Allowable Expenses
Allowable expenses include but are not limited to
- Faculty, staff, and student staff salaries and benefits (e.g., “buy-out”);
- Materials and supplies;
- Consultants and service contracts;
- Software;
- Travel, lodging, and conference registration fees as directly relevant to the project; and
- Additional expenses as allowable within campus regulations.
How to Apply
Proposals must be submitted via the electronic application system
by 11:59pm on April 15, 2022. Each proposal must be submitted using the proposal template and include the following information:
- Contact information and campus details;
- Program narrative, including a focus on equity and scalability;
- Evaluation plan;
- Budget narrative;
- Budget template; and
- Letter(s) of support from department chair and/or college dean.
See the Proposal Template for additional information. Proposals must be complete to be considered for funding. No proposals will be accepted after the deadline.
March 3, 2022
| RFP released |
April 15, 2022 | Deadline to submit proposals |
May 2022 | Awardees announced |
August 2022 | Program activity begins |
January 2023 | Midterm report due to Office of the Chancellor |
June 30, 2023 | Deadline for spending funds |
July 2023 | Final report due to Office of the Chancellor |
For questions about the CREATE Awards Program, please contact Dr. Chenoa S. Woods, director, Research and Student Success Initiatives, at