
students in a class room

Affordable Learning


Increase the quality, quantity and ease of access to free and affordable academic resources for faculty to choose for use in CSU instruction, scholarship, research and creative activity

ATS Strategies for Affordable Learning:

  • Collaboratively develop, deliver and expand a comprehensive affordable learning program that: 

    • significantly reduces the cost of course materials for students through faculty adoption of free and open educational resources
    • encourages student advocacy of educational resource affordability
    • focuses on student well-being, equity and completion in addition to affordability
  • Collaboratively develop, deliver and support innovations and efficiencies in the CSU’s Unified Library Management Systems, Shared Services and Electronic Library Collections
  • Lead and support initiatives aligned with CSU and legislative policies that improve the affordability of course materials for students
  • Acquire grants to support development and implementation of innovations
  • Research and assessment of outcomes of innovations and programs

Affordable Learning Project Websites:

For more information about ATS' work in Affordable Learning, contact us.​