
CSU Scholarships

A wide variety of scholarships offered by generous donors are available for California State University students.

CSU Trustees' Award for Outstanding Achievement

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Demonstrate superior academic performance with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and be in good academic standing.
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus financial aid office.
  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate or graduate student in any major field at a CSU campus and remain a CSU full-time equivalent student during the academic year.

The CSU Trustees’ Awards recognize students who have overcome adversity, demonstrated financial need, and have attributes of merit, including superior academic performance, significant personal achievements, and exemplary community service.

The recipient who receives the highest score by the CSU Foundation scholarship selection committee is designated the Trustee Emeritus Ali C. Razi Scholar and will receive a $18,000 scholarship. Also distributed will be:

Reed Scholarship ($13,000)
Stauffer Foundation Scholarship ($12,000)
Hampton Scholarship ($11,000)
Barhorst Scholarship ($11,000)
Galinson Scholarship ($9,000)

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation established an endowed scholarship fund in 1984 to honor William Randolph Hearst, founder of the Hearst newspaper chain. In 1999, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation partnered with the CSU Board of Trustees to create the CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement. Contributions from CSU Trustees and private donors increase the value and number of available awards. Special named scholarships are awarded by the selection committee based on criteria such as studying in the STEM or education fields, veterans, and exemplary community service.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring applicant deadline.

Award amount: Twenty-three (23) scholarships will be awarded. Most scholarships will be $7,000.

How to apply: Contact the financial aid department at your campus. Financial aid offices on each campus will review applicants to ensure they meet all requirements and, in consultation with the campus President, will select and forward one final nominee. Nominees with the highest scores will be interviewed for one of the top scholarship awards.

Completed nominations submitted by the campus Financial Aid Office to the CSU Foundation will include the following:

  • A nomination cover letter from the campus president.
  • A personal statement (300 word count for each):
  1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
  2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
  3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
  4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

Supplemental Materials

Once the final nominee is selected, campuses will work with corresponding communications team to submit the following supplemental materials to the CSU Foundation:

  • A one-paragraph biography, which must be approved by the campus public affairs department (see biography guidelines)
  • Photos of the nominee, including a formal headshot to include in the program and individual informal shots of the nominee on campus, at home, at work, or at play. The informal photos can come from the nominee’s own collection, but must be submitted via email (preferably through an online file-sharing site). If the nominee does not have a formal headshot, the campus public affairs department may assist before the student leaves the campus for the summer.
  • Biographical Statement Copy Release Form and Visual/Audio Image Release Form need to be signed and submitted, as the stories and photos of the Trustees’ Awards recipients are publicized widely.

All recipients of the CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement will be invited to attend the awards presentation in September at the Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach. Transportation expenses will be covered by the CSU Foundation.

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Gregson Bautzer Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Incoming freshman students who have graduated from the California Academy of Mathematics and Science.
  • Enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate at any California State University campus.
  • Demonstrated academic performance and financial need.

This scholarship is open only to incoming freshman students who have graduated from the California Academy of Mathematics and Science (CAMS) and who are continuing their education at any of the California State University campuses.

The Gregson Bautzer University Fund Scholarship was established in 1991 by Mrs. Nicola D. Bautzer in memory of her husband, a former member of the California State University Board of Trustees and the California State University Foundation Board of Governors.

Application deadline: Contact California Academy of Mathematics and Science (CAMS) for the Spring Application and deadline information.

Award amount: Two scholarship recipients are selected each academic year by the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, and awarded $3,000 per year for four years while enrolled full-time at a CSU campus.

How to apply: The California Academy of Mathematics and Science will select two students each academic year, based on the criteria above. Once a decision has been reached, the California Academy of Mathematics and Science sends a letter of notification to the CSU Foundation which includes:

  • A brief personal statement describing personal achievements and goals and aspirations for the future

*CSU financial aid directors and scholarship administrators will be notified if a student from their campus was one of the awardees selected by CAMS. The CSU Foundation will work with campuses on verifying enrollment for past awardees up to their fourth year.

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Howard C. Christiansen Endowed Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Demonstrate superior academic performance with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and be in good academic standing.
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus financial aid office.
  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate or graduate student in any engineering major field at a CSU campus and remain a CSU full-time equivalent student during the academic year.

This scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students studying any major in engineering. Scholarship nominees for the CSU Trustees' Award will be reviewed first. If there are not enough applicants nominated who are in an engineering field, the scholarhship may be awarded to a second pool of engineering applicants outside the CSU Trustees' Award. Each campus may nominate two students.

The Howard C. Christiansen Trust established the endowed scholarship in 2016.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring applicant deadline.

Award amount: Six (6) $5,000 scholarships will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the campus financial aid department at your campus. Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

A personal statement (300 word count for each):
  1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
  2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
  3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
  4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

If selected as a final nominee, the CSU Foundation will request two letters of recommendation from individuals such as teachers/professors, counselors or community leaders who can attest to the candidate's meritorious performance and personal strengths and assess the nominee's potential for success. One letter must be from an academic instructor.

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Glenn and Dorothy Dumke Fellowship

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Be in good standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Be ​enrolled as a full-time equivalent CSU graduate student in the areas of public policy, American history, economics, library science, archival management, or government and remain a CSU full-time equivalent student during the academic year.
  • Use the award to pursue research projects within the Dumke Collection or other collections housed within the CSU archives at CSU Dominguez Hills, the Center for California Studies at CSU Sacramento, or other special collections within the CSU system.

This fellowship encourages student scholars to engage in graduate work in fields such as public policy, American history, economics, archival management and government. Preference will be given to projects that involve research about the state of California. The selected scholar is expected to pursue research projects within special CSU library/archival collections.

The fellowship was established in memory of Dr. Glenn S. Dumke, Chancellor of the California State University from 1962 to 1982. Under his visionary leadership, the university system made great progress in the breadth and quality of academic programs. He is credited with organizing 16 separate academic programs into a single system that became a model across the nation. Born in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 1917, he received his B.A. and M.A. degrees at Occidental College and his Ph.D. at UCLA and began his 42-year career in higher education as an instructor of history at Occidental College.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring applicant deadline.

Award amount: One fellowship of $1,600 will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the financial aid department at your campus. Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

A personal statement with the following information:

  1. The applicant’s interest in American history and/or California history; politics and economics of California; or similar areas of California studies
  2. Any prior work in the areas listed above and how this work relates to the state of California
  3. The anticipated focus of the research project and a clearly defined plan of study

If selected as a final nominee, the CSU Foundation will request a letter of recommendation from a CSU faculty member.

Information about the CSU Special Collections can be found at https://library.csus.edu/special-collections-and-university-archives

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Nathaniel R. and Valerie Dumont Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements
  • Strong consideration should be given to students who are visually impaired, followed in priority by students with other physical impairments. Students without visual or physical impairments are also eligible for this scholarship.
  • Applicants must be in good standing with a minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus financial aid Office.
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate student in any major field at the eligible CSU campuses and must remain a full-time equivalent CSU student during the academic year.
  • Visually or physically impaired applicants must provide verification from a licensed physician or the office of services for students with disabilities.

The Nathaniel R. and Valerie Dumont Scholarship was established through a bequest in 1993 to assist students with financial needs, especially those with visual or physical impairments.

Each of the following campuses may nominate up to three students.

California State University, Dominguez Hills
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Northridge

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring application deadline.

Award amount: Eight scholarships of $5,000 will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the campus financial aid department at your campus. Financial aid offices should provide information about the availability of this scholarship to the office of services for students with disabilities.

Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

  • Personal statement (300 word count for each):
    1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
    2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
    3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
    4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?
  • Verification of physical/visual impairment, if applicable

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Fly Fishers Club of Orange County Richard Fanning Marine Studies Scholarship Fund

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Students must be currently enrolled as a CSU student in the academic year.
  • Be in good standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus Financial Aid Office.
  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate student in marine-related studies at a CSU campus and must remain a full-time equivalent CSU student during the academic year or must be currently enrolled as a part-time equivalent graduate student in marine-related studies at a CSU campus and must remain a part-time equivalent CSU graduate student during the academic year.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to community service in the fisheries biology field.

This scholarship honors the memory of Richard Fanning, an advocate for educational opportunity, an avid flyfisher and a good friend, whose companionship, advice, and leadership, both on and off the stream, will long be remembered. The Fly Fishers Club of Orange County was founded in 1966 to further the sport of Fly Fishing. In addition to being a way to meet others who enjoy the sport, there were three goals in mind when the club was founded:

  • Educating the public,
  • Conserving the fisheries, and
  • Contributing resources to make fly fishing enjoyable and available to all who are interested.

The club has been working hard to meet its goals by sponsoring clinics and workshops, hosting noteworthy speakers, participating in conservation projects, and contributing its resources to various conservation organizations such as the Federation of Fly Fishers and (FFF), Trout Unlimited (TU), Cal Trout, and the Nature Conservancy. In addition, the club contributes to numerous other conservation activities directly beneficial to fly fishing. The club has made annual scholarships available to CSU students who are studying marine sciences.

Application deadline: 

Award amount: One $3,000 scholarship is available for the academic year.

How to apply: CSU Students who meet the requirements must complete the CSU Foundation application available in February.

The Financial Aid Office will review candidates to ensure students meet all stated requirements.

Prior to fund distribution, the selected scholarship recipients are required to provide a note of appreciation and recipients may also send the club email updates at the end of each term.

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Trustee Emerita Claudia Hampton California Academy of Math and Science (CAMS) Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements
  • Applicants must be graduates of the California Academy of Mathematics and Science (CAMS).
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus financial aid office.
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing.
  • Recipients must remain a California State University full-time equivalent student during the scholarship period.

The Hampton Scholars Scholarship was funded in honor of Dr. Claudia H. Hampton, the first African American trustee of the California State University and recognizes students who excel academically and exemplify Dr. Hampton’s dedication.

Dr. Claudia H. Hampton served on the California State University Board of Trustees for 20 years from 1974 to 1994; serving as chair for three of those years: from 1979 to 1981. She was a teacher and administrator in the Los Angeles Unified School District for 25 years, retiring in 1981 as director of the district’s Human and School-Community Relations Resource Office.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring application deadline.

Award amount: Four (4) $5,000 scholarships will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the financial aid department at your campus. Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

A personal statement (300 word count for each):
  1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
  2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
  3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
  4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

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Stephen Y. Ho Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements
  • Students must be currently enrolled or be entering a first semester as a student at a California State University campus and must hold a student status during the scholarship period.
  • Students must participate in the CSU International Programs in China or Taiwan.

The Stephen Y. Ho Memorial Scholarship was created by the family of Stephen Y. Ho, an alumnus of California State University, Los Angeles, who passed away in 2021. Mr. Ho received his BBA and MBA degrees from Cal State LA in late 1970. He later attended the Monterey Foreign Language Institute and became one of the few licensed legal interpreters in Chinese translation in the State of California. He was the founder of the company, Stephen Y. Ho Interpreting, serving the Greater Los Angeles area for more than 25 years. The CSU International Programs scholarship honors his legacy as a talented and well-respected community contributor.

Application deadline: Contact CSU International Programs for more information.

Award amount: Two (2) $2,000 scholarship to be awarded.

How to apply: Contact CSU International Programs for more information.

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The William and Janet Lahey Art Education and Visual Arts Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements
  • Be enrolled at a California State University campus at least half-time;
  • Possess a bachelor’s degree in art or in one of the visual art specializations;
  • Be enrolled in one of the following programs:
    1. A post baccalaureate program leading to a high school single subject teaching credential in the arts;
    2. A Master of Fine Arts program in art or one of the visual arts specialization; or
    3. A Master of Arts program in art or one of the visual arts specializations.
  • Be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on an 4.0 scale
  • Priority consideration will be given to scholarship applications in the following order:
    1. First priority will be given to students enrolled in a program leading to a single-subject teaching credential in the arts.
    2. Second priority will be given to students enrolled in a graduate program in art of one of the visual arts specializations.
    3. Third priority will be given to eligible students who have a record of volunteer activities in the arts or who are currently engaged in arts volunteer activities in schools or community arts organizations.

This scholarship supports the CSU Summer Arts program and scholarships for visual arts students, furthering both William’s commitment to education and Jan’s passion for the arts. Scholarships are available for the academic year with priority going to students in a post-baccalaureate program leading to a high school single-subject teaching credential in the arts. The annual scholarship will be sufficient to cover tuition and fees and provide an additional small stipend.

William Lahey served as Assistant Vice Chancellor, Faculty and Staff Affairs from October 1966 until he retired on June 1986. He came to the California State University from federal civil service to the position of Statewide Dean of Faculty. Jan was an avid volunteer with the Long Beach Art Museum and William would invite staff to join them for special receptions and exhibit openings.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring applicant deadline.

Award amount: Two (2) $10,000 scholarships will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the financial aid department at your campus. Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

  • A personal statement (300 word count for each):
    1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
    2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
    3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
    4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?
  • Supplemental Question (300 word count):
    1. Please share your commitment to arts education or to community arts organizations.
  • If selected as a final nominee, the CSU Foundation will request two letters of recommendation from faculty members who can certify the student’s enrollment in a qualifying program and intent to contribute to art education in the schools or to visual arts may be requested.
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Richard K. Leffingwell Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Have a course of study within the fields of business, economics or other disciplines that will serve the applicant in achieving goals relating to nonprofit or public service.
  • Have demonstrated an interest in and aspire to a career in nonprofit or public service.
  • Demonstrate a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale and be in good academic standing.
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the campus Financial Aid office.
  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent upper division or graduate student at a California State University campus and must remain a full-time equivalent student during the scholarship period.
  • All students meeting the above requirements are encouraged to apply. A student who is a military veteran, meets the criteria, and is otherwise equal to others in qualifications, will receive favorable consideration.

This scholarship reflects Mr. Leffingwell’s admiration for the university’s commitment to provide opportunities to foster the next generation of students who wish to be instrumental in serving the public.

After graduating with a bachelor’s of science degree from CSU Northridge, and serving as an officer in the US Army, Richard Leffingwell joined the CSU Office of the Chancellor as a member of the trustees’ audit staff. He directed the CSU’s self-supporting financing activities, and later became the director of financing and treasury. Richard worked with trustees, campuses, and the municipal financing community to establish viable systems for financing non-state projects at the 23 CSU campuses before retiring in 2004.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring applicant deadline.

Award amount: Two (2) $3,500 scholarships will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the financial aid department at your campus. Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

  • A personal statement (300 word count for each):
    1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
    2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
    3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
    4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?
  • Supplemental Question (300 word count):
    1. What are you motivations and goals for a career in nonprofit or public service? What are your experiences or involvement to date in nonprofit or public service activities?

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Robert M. O'Dell Endowed Scholarship in Public Administration

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Applicants must be in a degree program in public administration.
  • Applicants must be in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled as a full-time, upper-division undergraduate or graduate student in public administration and must remain a full-time student in good standing during the academic year in which the award is received.
  • Applicants may not be a previous recipient of this award. Strong consideration will be given to an applicant who is also:
    • A public administration major specializing in finance
    • A first-generation college student

The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) established the Robert M. O’Dell endowed scholarship fund in April 1987 to honor the former city treasurer of Los Angeles. The scholarships are awarded on an alternating basis between northern and southern geographic regions of California to the 17 campuses offering degree programs in public administration.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring application deadline.

Award amount: Four (4) $2,500 scholarships will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: The financial aid office will review applicants to ensure that they meet all stated requirements. The campus may submit one (1) applicant for consideration to the CSU Foundation to make the final selection. Priority will be based on GPA.

Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

  • A personal statement (300 word count for each):
    1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
    2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
    3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
    4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

Scholarship recipients will be invited by the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers to attend their annual professional conference in the spring.

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Real Estate Scholarship and Internship Grant

Eligibility Requirements:
  • An interest in pursuing a career in real estate.
  • Completed (or be currently enrolled) in at least one course in real estate, broadly defined. This would include, but not be limited to, urban planning, urban economics, geographic information systems, ethics, and property tax classes all qualify, in addition to the typical business school real estate curriculum).
  • Be currently enrolled in a minimum of 6 units at any California State University.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA (undergraduate students) or 3.0 GPA (graduate students).
  • Student has encountered economic or educational disadvantages in pursuing their education.

The scholarships and internship grants are funded by the State of California Department of Real Estate through an endowment with the California State University Real Estate and Land Use Institute. It is open to all majors with an interest in a career in real estate. Under the internship option, students may receive an award for an unpaid internship in which they are participating.

Application deadline: Applications are accepted in the Fall and Spring. See the application link for the current opportunity and deadline.​

Award amount: Awards vary and are typically $500 - $2,000. Financial need will be considered in the application review and final award amount.

How to apply: Fall Application​​​ 

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Wilson C. Riles Education Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Recipients must be currently enrolled in a teacher credential program at one of the CSU campuses.
  • The minimum enrollment requirement is 6.0 units.
  • The minimum grade point average is 3.0.

This scholarship program was established in 2003 to recognize Superintendent Riles’ deep commitment to education through support of students enrolled in California State University teacher credential programs, with preference given to first generation college students.

Working his way through public instruction, Wilson C. Riles began his career in 1940 as a teacher and administrator in Arizona public schools and later became the first elected African American state superintendent of schools in the United States.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring applicant deadline.

Award amount: Three (3) $2,500 scholarships will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Each campus select one recipient based on the recommendation of teaching credential program faculty.

Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

A personal statement (300 word count for each):

  1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
  2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
  3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
  4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped other in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

Prior to fund distribution, selected recipients are required to submit a letter of appreciation addressed to Mr. Philip G. Riles, son of Superintendent Riles.

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Jim Sanders Media and Leadership Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Students must have an interest in journalism, media, or communication.
  • Students must aspire to a career in media, but can be interested in any aspect of the industry including engineering, sales, production (audio, video and sound editing, etc.), graphic design, human resources, etc.
  • Students must be currently enrolled or entering the first semester as a student at a California State University campus and must remain an enrolled student during the scholarship period.
  • Students must express current leadership qualities or the desire to be a leader in journalism, media or communication.

This scholarship honors and supports the leaders of today and tomorrow in journalism, media or communications. The media industry is changing and, as the gatekeepers of information, these industries need intelligent, creative leaders and risk-takers with a sense of humor and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

Jim Sanders was a news director at television stations in Sacramento, San Diego, and San Francisco and in Columbus, Ohio. He was renowned for his integrity, encouraging mentorship, and positive attitude.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for the spring application deadline.

Award amount: One (1) $2,500 scholarship to be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: Contact the financial aid department at your campus. Applicants submitted by the campus financial aid office to the CSU Foundation must complete the following:

Brief Personal Statement (300 word count) that explains why the student wants to pursue a career in journalism, news media, or communication and how they perceive themselves as a leader (career interest can be in any aspect of the industry including engineering, sales, production (audio, video and sound editing, etc.), graphic design, human resources, etc.)

If selected as a final nominee, the CSU Foundation will request two letters of recommendation. One letter must be from an instructor who taught the student.

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Dale M. Schoettler Scholarship for Visually Impaired Students

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Applicants must currently have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale and must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale during the academic year in which the award is received.
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in 6.1 units or more as a CSU undergraduate or graduate student in any major field and must remain enrolled in 6.1 units or more during the academic year in which the award is received.
  • Applicants must have a visual disability *

The Dale M. Schoettler Scholarship for Visually Impaired Students was established in 1991 by Mr. Schoettler, a successful businessman from Mountain View, California, who was blind for the last eight years of his life.

Application deadline: Applicants are accepted on a year-round basis.

Award amount: 46 scholarships of $10,000 each will be awarded for the 2024-2025 academic year.

How to apply: CSU Students who meet the requirements must complete the CSU Foundation application available shortly.

Financial aid offices should provide information about the availability of this scholarship to the services for students with disabilities office. Students who have previously been nominated and/or awarded the Schoettler scholarship may continue to apply each year they meet the qualifications.

* The CSU Foundation will confirm​ applicants are registered with their campus Disability Support Services offices with a visual limitation. A visual limitation is defined by the CSU as:
Blindness or partial sight to the degree that it impedes the educational process and may necessitate accommodations, support services, or programs.

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Robert D. & Dorothy W. Talty Endowed Scholarship​​

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing.​
  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time equivalent undergraduate or graduate student majoring in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology or computer sciences at a CSU campus.
  • Remain a CSU full-time equivalent student during the academic year.

In 2012, the Robert and Dorothy Family Trust established an endowment to provide funds for scholarships for CSU students majoring in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology and computer sciences.

Application deadline: Contact the financial aid department at your campus for more information.

Award amount: One (1) $7,000 scholarship will be awarded for the academic year.

How to apply: The Financial Aid Office will review applicants to ensure they meet all stated requirements. The campus may submit two (2) applicants for consideration to the CSU Foundation to make the final selection.

Completed applications submitted by the campus Financial Aid Office to the CSU Foundation must include the following:

Personal Statement (300 word count for each):
  1. What experience has impacted your personal growth?
  2. Tell us about a time you failed. What did you learn from that experience?
  3. Why are you pursuing your major? How does it relate to your career aspirations?
  4. Provide an example of service beyond the classroom (i.e., have you taken on significant family obligations, helped others in a specific way, been involved in political action, worked/volunteered/interned at a particular organization, etc.). Why is this example significant to you?

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