
About Us

Our team of talented HR professionals in Systemwide Human Resources provide quality and innovative HR services that position the CSU as an employer of choice by cultivating a supportive work environment that empowers all—welcoming diverse perspectives and encouraging innovation to promote student success. The division’s mission is to support and collaborate with our university partners to attract, motivate and retain exceptional talent who are capable and committed to advancing the CSU’s academic mission.


The units that make up the division of Systemwide Human Resources work on behalf of the CSU system and the Chancellor’s Office is dedicated to prioritizing our campus community. Our teams work collaboratively to facilitate and manage comprehensive strategic initiatives, programs and services that foster a positive and productive experience for all faculty, staff and students.

Learn What We Do
   ​​ Functional Org Chart

SWHR Leader​​ship

Albert A. Liddicoat
Interim Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

Joan Torné
Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff

Beth Ryan
Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources

Christina Checel​
Associate Vice Chancellor, Labor and Employee Relations

Associate Vice Chancellor, Civil Rights
Programming and Services

Joseph Jelincic
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Collective Bargaining

David Kervella​
Assistant ​Vice Chancellor, Systemwide Learning and Development​

Dave Grant
Assistant Vice Chancellor, CO Human Resources

Jason Wenrick​
​CHRS Executive Director​

Divisional Organizational Chart (PDF)   ​ Contact​ Us   Systemwide Human Resources​