The Campus Information Retrieval System (CIRS) is the systemwide data warehouse for Human Resource information and is a tool for securing management reports both at the campus and systemwide level. This site is designed to inform users of the Campus Information
Retrieval System (CIRS) of the latest system enhancements, provide training materiel, provide answers to
frequently asked questions, and demonstrate reporting techniques. Information on the CIRS data files and data elements can be
found in the CIRS Data
Element Dictionary.
CIRS and this web site are provided by the Human Resources -
Data Operations (HR-DO) unit of the CSU, Chancellor's Office.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.
CIRS contains multiple functions for retrieving and maintaining
data such as pre-generated Compendium Reports, Extract Functions, Custom Campus
Files, and Online Applications. Users who are familiar with FOCUS
reporting language, can use the system’s ad hoc reporting capabilities to
generate custom reports.
CIRS is available from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Saturday,
unless otherwise specified for an individual user.