
Line Edit Commands

Line Edit commands can be used to edit lines in your report requests, batch and hold files, or customized compendium reports. 

Things to note:

    • The character n denotes the number of times you want the operation to occur.
    • The block commands (CC, DD, MM, RR) must be used in sets to mark the start and end of each block.
    • The position commands (A, B) must be used in conjunction with C (copy) and M (move) to indicate where the lines should be inserted.
Command​​​​​ Description​
Indicates the line after which copied or moved lines are to be inserted.
An Indicates the number of times copied/moved lines will be inserted after the line.
B Indicates the line before which copied/moved lines are to be inserted.
Bn Indicates the number of times copied/moved lines will be inserted before the line.
C Copy a line.
Cn Copy n lines starting at this line.
CC Indicates the beginning and ending of a block of lines to be copied.
D Delete a line.
Dn Delete n lines starting at this line.
Indicates the beginning and ending of a block of lines to be deleted.
I Insert a line following this line.
M Move this line.
MM Indicates the beginning and ending of a block of lines to be moved.
R Repeat a line.  The repeated line is inserted after the line containing the R.
Rn Repeat this line n times.
RR Indicates the beginning and ending of a block of lines to be repea​​ted.​​​​

To use a command, type the command(s) over any existing line number(s) in your report request and press enter. For example, in the report request below the move (M) command is used on line 5 and the after (A) command is used on line 6 to indicate where line 5 should be inserted.  


EDIT     PD.CSUCFOC.UUSER(TRAIN1) - 01.01   COLUMNS 00001 00072

COMMAND ===>                                   SCROLL ===> PAGE

****** ******************* TOP OF DATA ************************


000002 EX AC                                   

000003 TABLE FILE AC                           

000004 PRINT AC:CLASS                          

00M005       AC:FTE                            

000A06       AC:SALARY                         

000007 BY AC:WNAME                             

000008 IF RECORDLIMIT EQ 100                   

000009 END                                     

****** ***************** BOTTOM OF DATA ***********************

Last Updated: March 1, 2024