Copy [C]

The copy command (C) is used create a new report request in your library by copying an existing report in your library, or to copy reports from your personal library to the common or vice versa.  To copy a report request, type a 'C' at the command line to the left of the report request name and press enter.  

                       CIRS PERSONAL LIBRARY                 

Cmds     B Browse  C Copy     D Delete        E Edit    Row 1 of 17

         P Print   R Rename   S Submit Batch  O Online Execution

Cmd  Name     Description                                 Changed  


 _  EMPHIST   EMPLOYMENT HISTORY REPORT                 2003/05/28

 c  EMPLIST   EMPLOYEE LIST - RUN QUARTERLY             2003/05/23

 _  FACULTY   FACULTY STATS                             2003/05/14


At the confirm copy screen, the name of the report being copied is automatically supplied as the name of the report in the destination library. 

  • To change the destination library, press the F6 key.  
  • To change the name of the report in the destination library, type over the supplied name.  Names can be from 1-8 characters.  If a member with the same name already exists in the destination library, a warning message will appear.  Type a new name or press F3 to cancel. 

|---------------------- Confirm Copy ---------------------|

|                                                         |

|            COPY EMPLIST  OF PERSONAL LIBRARY            |

|              TO EMPLIST  OF COMMON LIBRARY              |

|                                                         |



Press the enter key to copy.  The message COPIED will appear in the upper right corner of the screen.  To clear the message, press enter.  

                       CIRS PERSONAL LIBRARY                 

Cmds     B Browse  C Copy     D Delete        E Edit          COPIED

         P Print   R Rename   S Submit Batch  O Online Execution

Cmd  Name     Description                                Changed  


 _  EMPHIST   EMPLOYMENT HISTORY REPORT                 2003/05/28

 _  EMPLIST   EMPLOYEE LIST - RUN QUARTERLY             2003/05/23

 _  FACULTY   FACULTY STATS                             2003/05/14

Note: When a report request is copied from your personal library to the common library, a comment line with the text 'OWNER USERID:' followed by a space and your userid is automatically added.  Do not modify or delete that line.


EDIT       PD.CSUCFOC.COMMON(EMPLIST) - 01.01    Columns 00001 00072

Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> PAGE

****** ********************* Top of Data ***************************

000001 -* EMPLOYEE LIST - RUN QUARTERLY          

000002 -* OWNER USERID: UUSER     CREATED 2003/11/19

000003 -************************************************************

000004 EX JACPS

****** ********************Bottom of Data **************************​

Last Updated: February 16, 2024